Joshua sat up on his own for the first time yesterday evening. Jason had him sitting on the island (I think I would have chosen a lower location... but Daddy was right there the whole time) and he was just sittin' holding his rings, which he loves.
Today, he went to Ellianna's house while I went to work. Kim watched both the little ones. When I came back, both he and Ellie were sleeping on Kim and Ellianna had her arm around Josh, how sweet! Kim said he did pretty well and that babies just played together and entertained each other.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
A Family Stroll
Today was a bad day for naps... but we did get a nice stroll in around the neighborhood. We bundled Joshua up, well not too much, it was about 50 F! Very warm for January. He fell asleep towards the end of the walk. Afterwards, we let him sleep in the stroller while we enjoyed the warm afternoon on the front steps. He woke up and we tried a little feeding again. He likes to help move the spoon into his mouth. Check out the photos to the right, there are more on flickr.
first bites
Joshua had his first taste of solid food yesterday. After dinner we fed him a bit of rice cereal mixed with my milk. I am not sure how much actually ended up in his stomach. He was wearing most of the cereal on his bib when we were finished but I think all in all the event went rather well. We will try again today. Jason took video so maybe we can get that up for everyone to see, soon.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006
The weekend
Joshua had a busy weekend with Grandma and Grandad Vasbinder out for a visit. They arrived on Friday evening and we all went to Pennsylvania on Saturday to enjoy lunch at a brewery there. Sunday, G & G joined Joshua and I at church. I think he wants to join the choir! He has good lungs. Grandma thinks he is going to play the bagpipes ;-) Monday, Joshua and Grandma spent lots of time together while, Grandad and I worked on the room in the basement. Jason was working on Uncle Josh's software.

The swaddling is continuing to work and has helped us to establish a bit of a schedule. He has a night time routine that begins at 7:30pm with a bath, pj's and then snuggling/nursing time. We put him down, swaddle him and turn on his music. Then he usually wakes once within the hour and just wants a bit of help getting back to sleep. He wakes about 4-5 times in the night. He has been waking in the morning about 7-7:30pm. Then he takes a morning nap, a noon-time nap and a longer afternoon nap. As long as we are at home, I swaddle him and put him in his crib to sleep. If we are out it is either the carseat or the sling. The routine has been great and I hope it continues for at least a little while.

He is really beginning to respond to Jason. Daddy plays silly games with Joshua's legs and makes funny faces at him. He squeals with delight and I think is beginning to giggle!
The swaddling is continuing to work and has helped us to establish a bit of a schedule. He has a night time routine that begins at 7:30pm with a bath, pj's and then snuggling/nursing time. We put him down, swaddle him and turn on his music. Then he usually wakes once within the hour and just wants a bit of help getting back to sleep. He wakes about 4-5 times in the night. He has been waking in the morning about 7-7:30pm. Then he takes a morning nap, a noon-time nap and a longer afternoon nap. As long as we are at home, I swaddle him and put him in his crib to sleep. If we are out it is either the carseat or the sling. The routine has been great and I hope it continues for at least a little while.
He is really beginning to respond to Jason. Daddy plays silly games with Joshua's legs and makes funny faces at him. He squeals with delight and I think is beginning to giggle!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Nap Time
So, the past several days have been an effort to move Joshua towards better sleeping patterns. Up until recently we allowed Joshua to fall asleep in our arms, while nursing or just go to bed when we did (with us). But this was benefiting no one. So, on Sunday we began the battle to put Joshua to bed without a major event. It has been trying but today I may have found something. I don't want to get too excited but he has now gone done for two naps and one bedtime without screaming for one hour before hand (the routine of the past 5 days) Today, I swaddled him tight enough so that he couldn't wiggle free. He took two naps in his crib (very unusual) and is now down for the night, in his crib. He fussed a little but since (I guess) he couldn't squim and thrash, he fell asleep. I hope this is a new trend, my ears could use a break ...
Sunday, January 08, 2006
New Routines
This has been quite a weekend with Joshua. On the upside, he began sitting forward while in his swing yesterday. The swing was in the seat position, not the recline, and he was leaning into the tray. Won't be long before he is sitting on his own!
We had started to get into a pattern of Joshua going to bed around 7:30pm-8:00 that was interrupted by New Years but he got back into it early in the week. Then Thursday and Friday he decided to fight sleeping so he screamed until nearly midnight and then woke up for his usually nightly feedings and got up for the day around 6:00-6:30. Needless to say, everyone was tired and no one was happy. He finally went down on Saturday for a 3.5 hour nap in the late afternoon. Jason and I scoured the books, magazines and even internet support groups for help on sleeping, sleep routines, bedtime, ect. We decided to really try a bedtime routine on Saturday and stick to it.
Joshua knew we were up to something. We changed him and laid him in his co-sleeper at 9:30pm. As soon as he hit that bed, he started screaming. Jason read him two bedtime stories through the screaming and turned on his lullabye music. He continued to scream. Jason played peek-a-boo with him until he started to settle down. Then on one peek, Jason ducked below the bed so Josh couldn't see him, we both snuck out and Joshua feel asleep. He did his night time routine of feedings and woke at 8:30, not bad.
He took a nap in his co-sleeper at 10:30, one in the car at 1pm and a long one starting around 3:30-5:15 with me. So again tonight we started our bedtime routine. He fell asleep while eating but at 9pm we went up, changed him and laid him in his crib. Mind you, he was already sleeping when we did this. But, he woke up and screamed until 10:15. That was when Jason, despite valiant efforts, gave up. He lasted longer than I would have!! When I went in for my turn, Joshua had worked himself hungry so I fed him, he fell asleep and I put him to bed. He is still asleep, now and I am off to bed.
We will try again tomorrow. But to our credit (mostly Jason's) we didn't leave the bedroom, we didn't turn on the lights and we stuck to our guns that it was bedtime. So, maybe Joshua will learn.
We had started to get into a pattern of Joshua going to bed around 7:30pm-8:00 that was interrupted by New Years but he got back into it early in the week. Then Thursday and Friday he decided to fight sleeping so he screamed until nearly midnight and then woke up for his usually nightly feedings and got up for the day around 6:00-6:30. Needless to say, everyone was tired and no one was happy. He finally went down on Saturday for a 3.5 hour nap in the late afternoon. Jason and I scoured the books, magazines and even internet support groups for help on sleeping, sleep routines, bedtime, ect. We decided to really try a bedtime routine on Saturday and stick to it.
Joshua knew we were up to something. We changed him and laid him in his co-sleeper at 9:30pm. As soon as he hit that bed, he started screaming. Jason read him two bedtime stories through the screaming and turned on his lullabye music. He continued to scream. Jason played peek-a-boo with him until he started to settle down. Then on one peek, Jason ducked below the bed so Josh couldn't see him, we both snuck out and Joshua feel asleep. He did his night time routine of feedings and woke at 8:30, not bad.
He took a nap in his co-sleeper at 10:30, one in the car at 1pm and a long one starting around 3:30-5:15 with me. So again tonight we started our bedtime routine. He fell asleep while eating but at 9pm we went up, changed him and laid him in his crib. Mind you, he was already sleeping when we did this. But, he woke up and screamed until 10:15. That was when Jason, despite valiant efforts, gave up. He lasted longer than I would have!! When I went in for my turn, Joshua had worked himself hungry so I fed him, he fell asleep and I put him to bed. He is still asleep, now and I am off to bed.
We will try again tomorrow. But to our credit (mostly Jason's) we didn't leave the bedroom, we didn't turn on the lights and we stuck to our guns that it was bedtime. So, maybe Joshua will learn.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Happy New Year!
New Year's Eve, we had a few people over. Including, Kim, Ryan and Ellianna. Here are Josh and Ellianna holding hands!

Joshua has started breaking into a routine. If we can get him to bed around 7:30-8:00 for the night he will sleep until about 7:00-7:30 in the morning (with eating breaks of course). He is still fighting sleep but it usually happens when he is overly tired. Mornings consist of naked time, reading and playing. Afternoons are for naps and evenings are for snuggling, more playing and toting him around the house while I cook. We have also started practising E.C. and are having fun with it. Joshua seems to like it, too. Although we have a long way to go, I am starting to recognize the signs that he needs to go and catching him before it is time. For more info on this, check out the website Natural Infant Hygiene
Here's another photo from flickr:

He's starting to look like a little boy!
Joshua has started breaking into a routine. If we can get him to bed around 7:30-8:00 for the night he will sleep until about 7:00-7:30 in the morning (with eating breaks of course). He is still fighting sleep but it usually happens when he is overly tired. Mornings consist of naked time, reading and playing. Afternoons are for naps and evenings are for snuggling, more playing and toting him around the house while I cook. We have also started practising E.C. and are having fun with it. Joshua seems to like it, too. Although we have a long way to go, I am starting to recognize the signs that he needs to go and catching him before it is time. For more info on this, check out the website Natural Infant Hygiene
Here's another photo from flickr:
He's starting to look like a little boy!
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