Tuesday, April 18, 2006
2nd Tooth
Joshua cut his second tooth today in the afternoon. Grandma V. came over to help me pack by keeping Joshua occupied. They played together, napped and took a long walk with a stop at the playground. When daddy came home, Joshua pushed up to all fours for the first time. This is the first sign he has shown of crawling... won't be long now!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter!
Joshua's first Easter was a wonderful day spent with Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and Grandparents. We attended church in the morning at my parent's church and then went back to Grandma & Grandad's house for Easter dinner. He ate bananas for the first time yesterday and had them again today this morning. He also ate more than a tablespoon of food tonight (sweet potatoes & oatmeal with peas for desert, yum!) a first! It must be that tooth that cut through yesterday :-)

Yesterday, Joshua enjoyed a day of shopping with Aunt Amy, Aunt Stephanie (my cousin), little Stephanie, Lily, Great Aunt Betty & Nanny. He tooled around in the umbrella stroller we are borrowing from friends and fell asleep in it. He did great with being passed around and meeting new people. We were so proud of him!
Yesterday, Joshua enjoyed a day of shopping with Aunt Amy, Aunt Stephanie (my cousin), little Stephanie, Lily, Great Aunt Betty & Nanny. He tooled around in the umbrella stroller we are borrowing from friends and fell asleep in it. He did great with being passed around and meeting new people. We were so proud of him!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Good Friday
Today, Joshua met his Great Aunt Betty and Uncle George as well as his cousins, Stephanie, Kurt and Lily. Dispite Uncle George's best efforts, Joshua screamed at him for the entire drive to get ice cream. He apparently took right to Stephanie, and she entertained him on the ride home. He even let her hold him :-) Tio Omar showed Joshie all around Bomboys Candy Shop and introduced him to raspberry ice cream which he liked very much.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Pulling Up
Joshua hit another milestone yesterday, he pulled himself up. We had just finished a nice walk with Kim and Ellie and were enjoying the sunny 70 degree day in the backyard on a blanket. The stroller was parked near the blanket. Josh was sitting and reached forward, grabbed the wheel of the stroller and stood up. Now all he wants to do is sit or stand, no more laying down for this little one!

Joshua also had his 6 month checkup yesterday morning. He is now 17.5 inches long and 18 lbs 2 oz. He received several vaccinations.
We are getting ready for our trip next week. If you didn't receive the email about our plans for Cali, please give me a call or send me an email, I'll fill you in on the details.
Joshua also had his 6 month checkup yesterday morning. He is now 17.5 inches long and 18 lbs 2 oz. He received several vaccinations.
We are getting ready for our trip next week. If you didn't receive the email about our plans for Cali, please give me a call or send me an email, I'll fill you in on the details.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Yesterday was Joshua's baptism. It was attended by his Grandma V., Grandad, Tia Amy, Tio Omar, Dylan, Stephanie, Aunt Jill, Godfather Chris, Godmother Carie and family friends Richard & Donna with their children. The service was wonderful. Pastor Fritz had the children bless the font during the children's time, he incorporated baptism into the sermon and then there was the ceremony after the sermon. The congregation welcomed and blessed Joshua as we walked around the church so it was a very special time.

This week Joshua has been sitting up on his own for extended periods of time. He can rebalance himself if he is leaning over too far. He also started pulling himself up in the pack n play so he is no longer safe in there alone.
We are going out for a walk now since it is a beautiful day out. I hope to get on and write more later.
This week Joshua has been sitting up on his own for extended periods of time. He can rebalance himself if he is leaning over too far. He also started pulling himself up in the pack n play so he is no longer safe in there alone.
We are going out for a walk now since it is a beautiful day out. I hope to get on and write more later.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Long time no hear!
Wow! It has been two weeks since we posted... sorry for the delay.
Jason was out of town last weekend but Joshua and I survived. Joshua loves seeing daddy come home every time. He is really warming up to people (other than mommy) now. Looks like he is starting to get over the 'stranger anxiety' that he has been suffering from. The trick we found was to have whomever was holding him ignore him until he makes gestures to interact. Seems to be working.
He is rolling back to front and front to back now and likes to be on his tummy. He now sleeps on his side or his tummy because he puts himself in those positions. Sleep is no longer still, he moves all around these days but on an upside, he is starting to sleep longer. I think a lot of his sleep problem for the past two months had to do with the terrible rash that he had. We are working on fixing that and everyone seems happier.
We have been working on oatmeal, the sippy cup and sweet potatoes. He likes the sweet potatoes the best. We just started those last night.
Today, we all spent a good deal of time outside working on the yard. Still more to do. Josh likes to be outside when he can see mommy and daddy. So, we put him in his jumper to play along side of us.
Next weekend is his baptism. We are really looking forward to that. It will be during church service on Sunday.
Jason was out of town last weekend but Joshua and I survived. Joshua loves seeing daddy come home every time. He is really warming up to people (other than mommy) now. Looks like he is starting to get over the 'stranger anxiety' that he has been suffering from. The trick we found was to have whomever was holding him ignore him until he makes gestures to interact. Seems to be working.
He is rolling back to front and front to back now and likes to be on his tummy. He now sleeps on his side or his tummy because he puts himself in those positions. Sleep is no longer still, he moves all around these days but on an upside, he is starting to sleep longer. I think a lot of his sleep problem for the past two months had to do with the terrible rash that he had. We are working on fixing that and everyone seems happier.
We have been working on oatmeal, the sippy cup and sweet potatoes. He likes the sweet potatoes the best. We just started those last night.
Today, we all spent a good deal of time outside working on the yard. Still more to do. Josh likes to be outside when he can see mommy and daddy. So, we put him in his jumper to play along side of us.
Next weekend is his baptism. We are really looking forward to that. It will be during church service on Sunday.
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