Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Zoo

On Tuesday, Mom and I took Dylan, Stephanie & Joshua to the zoo. I am not sure if the kids had more fun looking at the animals or riding next to each other in the stroller kicking their legs and laughing. They did great and loved the exhibits they could ride, crawl on, slide down or hide under. Joshua loved the farm animals best and even got to hear a rooster crow. He also liked the penguins, they were very playful and were splashing around on their bellies and backs. He left with a stuffed elephant from Memaw to remember the day.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Seasame Street

Joshua has discovered Seseame Street and Elmo and loves it. So every day we watch one that I have taped. He has fun dancing to the music and waiting for Elmo and Mr. Noodle to come on.

He has stayed dry now every day through naptime even for the past three days. He can take himself to the potty which I think he likes a lot. He pushes me away if I try and help him on and for the most part he just runs in and takes care of things himself. It is hilarious. So the only step now is that he learn to go standing up and then that he stay dry at night but I don't think we are very far off since naptime is improving.

I am posting a few pictures of our playground fun with Yanna, Val and Mr. Ron from the other day. He is such a monkey on the playground!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Monumental Occasion

and I forgot to put it in the blog! On Sunday, Joshua made a leap forward in his potty training. He started pulling his own pants off, getting to the toilet, climbing on and off and flushing all by himself! If the pants are too tight the whole plan is foiled but he is doing a really good job when he can get them off. It is great! Next we need to work on him standing to go but inspite of our recent efforts he has shown no interest in that.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Take me out to the ballgame!

On Friday, we took Joshua to his very first baseball game. The first of many I hope! He loved it! He loved the mascot, the clapping, the music and cheers. He even watched some of the game from our shoulders. He clapped and cheered on cue with the rest of the fans. Because it was an evening game we left at the 5th inning but we all had a lot of fun. I think it was just the right amount of time for him, too.

Saturday, we went to Memaw and Grandad's house (mommy and daddy then went to see harry potter) and Joshua had lots of fun playing with Stephanie, Noella and Dylan. Memaw even took him to see a train!

Today, we mostly just rested but we did go to Miss Christine and Mr. Ron's house for dinner. Joshua did great playing with Yanna and Val and he ate a fantastic dinner. He had THREE drumsticks, some corn on the cob, a piece of water melon and ice cream. I was shocked.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Joshua loves noodles ('Noo-noos") but doesn't like ANYTHING on them. They must be unadulterated. So, after finished off what I put on his plate, I gave him one of mine. It had alfredo sauce on it. "I don't like it," says Joshua. Mind you, he hadn't even tasted it but he took his plate and set it on the table (instead of his tray). The little stinker.

He is doing great in his big boy bed and has actually been sleeping until closer to 7 most mornings. Yeah!

Friday, July 06, 2007

At the beach

On a whim we packed up and headed to the beach yesterday. We stayed overnight and came home today. It was a fantastic trip! Joshua loved the sand this time (last year he wouldn't touch it) and we even got him to go in the water. We had a lot of fun playing with him: building sand castles, digging holes, scouring for rocks & sea shells. We are looking forward to our next trip!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

We took Joshua to see the fireworks tonight downtown over the water. It was a late night as the show didn't start until 9:30pm but Joshua loved it! We thought since he liked the fireworks at Godfather's birthday party (small ground ones) that he may enjoy the big ones but the size and noise are so much bigger we just weren't sure. He did great and spent the entire walk back to the car saying, 'Watch the fireworks'. We hope that he will sleep in a little bit to make up for the three hours late bedtime.