Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Walking and Summer Adventures

Evie is popping up and sitting down, taking steps and getting all around. The most she has walked in a row now is 7 steps but she is really trying and REALLY wants to be down moving by herself. I guess it is time to go get shoes that fit her. Mira's shoes are too small for her I think she is a 4.5 or so but I have not measured.

Mira has been fighting a cold and has not been eating well the past several days. She is tired and irritable. I am to the point that if she doesn't start eating well soon she'll be on an ice cream diet just to get more calories in her. Maybe I will make yogurt tonight so that she will have some good food to eat... Even in her sickness she is supremely adorable. She has been asking for ponytails. So I put her curly top hair into two little bouncy pony tails. She is just so darned cute I could eat her up!

Joshua had his first sleep over away from home without Mommy and Daddy after Evelyn's birthday party on Saturday. He went home with MeMaw and Grandad and fell asleep on the drive home in the back of the car with Nanny. He stayed Saturday and Sunday nights and I picked him up on Monday afternoon. From all accounts he was very well behaved and had a lot of fun. They went to lunch on Sunday after going to church. They played with his cousins, swam, went fishing, read books, watched movies and had an all around great time. He even slept in a tent inside the house. He loved that!

He continues to be very interested in bugs. Tonight we spotted green horned worms on my tomato plants. Not only that but some other bug had laid eggs on two of the caterpillars. He explained that it was a wasp that laid the eggs and when the eggs hatch the babies will eat the caterpillar. We had learned that information in the DK Bug book that he reads over and over again. So we explored the horned worms for a while before I took care of them. Can't have them eating my tomato plants!! Earlier today we had a visit from Stephanie, Noella and Tia Amy. The kids played outside, we ate lunch and then we all went to the pool. I think the children are pretty much worn out today!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Evie is walking

As of her birthday, she took one step on her big day, she started walking. Tonight she took 3 steps. She can stand up in the middle of the room unassisted and if something is really enticing she will take a few steps towards it. So Jason wins! He said she would be walking by this week. :-) Best Daddy ever!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Evie Joy!

Evie started out her big birthday day with a visit to the dr for her 1 year well baby check up. She weighs 21 lb 6 oz and is 31" long. She remains tall and 'slender' and right on for her milestones. She is ahead of the game with mimicking people: combing her hair, putting on necklaces, washing herself, etc.

After the dr we bought a balloon for her and met Memaw and Grandad back at our house. We played on the swing and then had lunch. Evie napped in the afternoon and then after nap watched Wallace and Gromit with Grandad and Memaw and played some more.

She had a big dinner of pancakes, eggs, sausage, blueberries, peas and water and gobbled it all up. She couldn't get enough! After dinner she opened gifts and then we went to the ice cream shop.

It was a busy and pleasant day and now my littlest baby is 1!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Piano Lessons

I started working with Joshua on the piano a couple of weeks ago. We sit down together at least once a week and work on reading music, learning the notes and playing tunes. I started teaching him the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" the other day and now he sits down several times a day to practice. He is learning three blind mice as well. And sometimes he just plays nice songs. It is really nice to hear him tinkering on the keys. The girls also like to join in but they are not quite ready to play.

On Wednesday we are having a piano repair man come to fix and tune the piano. It will be nice to play the notes around middle C again!

Sunday, August 01, 2010


Aunt Betty and Uncle George came into town for the weekend so we planned to meet them and the family for dinner last night at Memaw & Grandad's house. It really was the perfect summer evening. Everyone contributed to a delicious meal al fresco with music playing in the background and the kids splashing in the pool. We put Mira and Evelyn down for bed at Mom's house and let Joshua stay up and play. It was so nice to visit.

Evelyn has added words! She now says, Mama, Dada, Hi, Meow, Arf and Night Night. We have tried some signs with her but she is not as receptive as Mira was. She can stand on her own but has not taken any solitary steps yet. It won't be long though!

Joshua is getting lots of practice writing as we are using that to deter him from saying words we don't approve of. He is going to have fantastic writing and spelling skills by the time he goes to kindergarten if this keeps up!

Mira's speech and vocabulary improve every day. She is thoughtful in her word choice and speaks slowly. She loves to make up songs and dance. She is so head strong and independent but also loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses. One day she will be president of the United States.