We are just back from a trip to the strawberry fields. It went better than I expected. All three kids helped pick and we filled 3 qt baskets and half filled the sieve I brought. We'll freeze a few and make some jam. Don't know if I will get out again before this short strawberry season is out but I might try if the kids are again agreeable.
Evelyn and Mira were both covered in strawberry juices. But Josh was great and didn't eat one! He waited until I gave him one. We are sitting down to lunch now.
Josh has recently taken an interest in learning Spanish. So, we are trying to support that. Mira's temper tantrums have tapered off since I have been getting down on her level and talking to her. Once she goes over the edge it is impossible to get her back so this has been quite a relief!
Evie is mimicking the older two more each day, which is certainly problematic at times. She can climb up into the playhouse now and on to the top bunk. She says 'kid swear words' - stupid, stinky pete and poopy head. She misses nothing. I can't believe that she is so close to being two.