Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Another Tooth

Just today I noticed that Joshua has another tooth coming down, his top right incisor.

We went to story time today with Kim, Ellie and Ryan and yesterday we met Carol Ann and her girls for lunch. After lunch we went to Grandma V.'s for a visit with the clan out there.

Tonight at dinner he took the fork I had loaded with food and fed himself. Then he proceeded to try and spear his own food, he was sort of successful and it was fun to watch!

This weekend we are meeting with the other families in our birth class, the first time since all the babies were born. It will be exciting to hear their stories and meet their children. All the babies are a few weeks apart except one that should have been born in December.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Dinner with Ellie and Kim

Tonight Joshua and I had dinner with Ellianna and Kim. It was a lovely meal followed by popsicles and a dip in the kiddie pool. Since it has been 100 today the pool was a lot of fun as was all the splashing. Josh and Ellie had a great time playing and did very well through dinner.

Splish Splash

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A few highlights

Joshua has a new voice... Donald Duck. He makes the silliest quaking sound and I don't know where he picked it up!

He likes doing laps in the kitchen now, up and down the hall around the island and repeat... When reading, Joshua turns the pages and when playing he puts the stacking blocks we have one inside the other.

We met with the other young moms in the church today and he played with Cassy, Ellie, Grace and Caleb. Now he is down for a nap.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

9 Month Check Up

Joshua received a clean bill of health today. He now weighs 20 lb 6 oz and is in the 50th percentile for height (29") and weight. The dr is very pleased with the milestones he has reached and happy to see that he is eating and sleeping well.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I forgot...

Joshua has his two top teeth coming in, they cut through last night.

Wheels and things

Joshua received a special gift from our neighbors yesterday, a new car! It is a little car that he can sit on and move around or stand up and push from behind. It has all sorts of buttons to push and storage in the seat! He loves it! Here he is riding it in the kitchen today...

Joshua on Wheels

Also, yesterday we had Ellie, Kim and Ryan over for birthday cake for Ellie. It was a fun evening and the babies were great. We caught a few photos of them smashing cake. Today, Grandma and Grandad brought over the family piano for us to borrow. We can wait to practice on it. Joshua was enjoying pressing the keys this evening.

He is sleeping now, tomorrow will be another busy day. We are planning to go to a birthday party and swim!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

He did it!

Joshua put himself to sleep last night. We laid him down, he fussed for 5 minutes and then put himself to sleep. The night before we check on him once and he continued to fuss but then put himself to sleep before we went up for a 2nd time. Sleeping is going much better as well. He wakes up once (twice at most) and is sleeping longer.

Joshua is a much happier baby these days and so playful! His walking is improving overnight. He pulls up on everything and walks about halfway across a room before sitting down. I 'baby-proofed' the kitchen and living room so he is currently crawling, pulling up and walking around these two rooms while I write.

For the 4th of July we just stayed close to home. Maybe next year we will catch a few fireworks for Josh to see.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Mini Meet East 2006

We spent the weekend in Frederick at the Mini Meet East. Joshua was a great traveler. He really enjoyed the RC Car Race, which Jason won for his group, and the autocross. Here is a shot of Joshua trying to 'help' Jason with his rc mini...

How does that work?

The autocorss really wore Joshua out, maybe it was the heat, anyway, he finally tuckered out at the end of the races...


It was a really fun weekend and now Jason is picking out his own 'real' mini.