Thursday, July 06, 2006

He did it!

Joshua put himself to sleep last night. We laid him down, he fussed for 5 minutes and then put himself to sleep. The night before we check on him once and he continued to fuss but then put himself to sleep before we went up for a 2nd time. Sleeping is going much better as well. He wakes up once (twice at most) and is sleeping longer.

Joshua is a much happier baby these days and so playful! His walking is improving overnight. He pulls up on everything and walks about halfway across a room before sitting down. I 'baby-proofed' the kitchen and living room so he is currently crawling, pulling up and walking around these two rooms while I write.

For the 4th of July we just stayed close to home. Maybe next year we will catch a few fireworks for Josh to see.

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