Today, was spectacular. We played in the yard, went for a hike and then Me-maw, Grandad and Nanny came over to go out for Me-maw's birthday. We missed going to her birthday party because Josh was recovering from being sick tha weekend. Tonight though, he did great at dinner and then we went for ICE CREAM which he loves. We've been out for ice cream three times this week.
Yesterday, Joshua was so dirty when he came in from playing out in the yard that he had to have a bath before his 11 am naptime. He loves being outside. In the late afternoon, I took him for a walk down by the water and into town with Kim, Ryan and Ellie. We picked up pizza on the way home.
Friday, I made muffins for us and Joshua absolutely love them. He had four the day I made them. I guess I'll have to make more!
There are more photos from early in the week but I'll have to go back and post them later.
That's all for now!
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