Thursday, May 08, 2008

New Tricks

Mira Jean is adding all sorts of tools to her baby tool belt. She now scooches across the pack n play on her back, mostly when she is frustrated, but it is movement none the less. She is rolling to her side and I don't think rolling over is too far behind. She brings her hands together now to put them in her mouth and chew on her fingers and thumb. She and Daddy have warmed up to each other and they laugh and 'talk' these days. He can get her to laugh in ways that I cannot and it is fun to hear her noises.

Joshua held Mira for the first time yesterday. I sat him in the corner of the couch, propped Mira up on the pillow next to him and took a few pictures. That was about it.

May is a crazy month for us but we have one event down. Grandad retired and had a birthday over the weekend and we had a little bash for him. It was a really good time and the kids did very well. This weekend is Mother's Day and we are having folks over for a Mother's Day tea as we did last year. Then the end of the month is Jason's graduation & party and Mira's baptism & party. Then we get to crash!! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Joshua and Mira,
I am sorry I did not get to see you at granddad's retirement and birthday party. I can't wait to see you at Daddy's graduation party and Mira's baptism.