Joshua had his first day of preschool last week. The first day the parent's were to stay and the class was reduced to 1.5 hours. Joshua did better than I had expected and was eager to get into the class and play. He did not stand up for circle time but I expected that, too. The second day the parents dropped kids off and stayed in a nearby room. All the kids seemed to do well (no tears!). I imagine that play went well again but I don't know how circle time went because I couldn't see in. They learned "Mary had a little lamb" and made a little lamb. This week class will be 2 hours and then next week will be 2.5. Joshua remembers his teacher's name and says that he is meeting new friends if you ask him about school.
Mira is working on tooth #2 and she and Josh both had a little cold. So, she has not been sleeping well. The last couple of nights have been better. She is really crawling well now and just about to make it over the step between our family room and kitchen.
Our 7th Anniversary was last Tuesday. Mom and Dad came out for that and watched the little ones while Jason and I had a much needed night out! We really have to do that more often. Then Thursday was my birthday. I spent it out with our friends Christine, Yanna & Val (and our babies of course!) and Jason had dinner waiting when I returned. On Saturday, the family came out for playtime and lunch. We tried to go to a children's art festival but it was outdoors and Hannah (the tropical storm) interrupted that. We had a lot of fun anyway watching the kids play in the underwear out in the rain.
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