Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Last night we celebrated Kirra's (1), Joshua's (3) and Jason's (31) birthdays. We had Amy's gang, the godparents, our neighbors Cyndi & Howard and our friends Kim & Ryan over. It was like a nursery in the house with 7 little ones 3 and under. On top of that there were 4 middle schoolers. It was a fun evening though. Amy's girls, Stephanie and Noella, were having a good time giving Kirra hugs (and stealing her toys). Joshie was running around like a crazy man. Mira was watching it all and Kirra liked the other little people to play with but didn't like the toy stealing.

Mira is sitting with my now, the only one that would wake up at 6 am after such a busy evening, and eating cheerios. She is yawning but I don't see her going down for a nap right now. She is really doing well with finger food and has had bananas, watermelon, plums and now cheerios. She also tried ice cream for the first time on Joshua's birthday and that was a hit (duh!)

On Friday we took the kids to a farm ice cream stand and petting zoo that also had a really cool play set. They loved that! Yesterday, our town was having a street festival and we wondered around there before naps and the party. I know Josh and Kirra liked the costumed dancers in the street and Mira enjoyed and danced to the music.

1 comment:

nancy said...

Happy Birthday Jason!
Love Aunt Nancy and Uncle Rick!