The kids are exploding with new skills these days. Joshua continues to drive us batty with his 'terrible threes' but we are expecting it and looking forward to age 4. I don't really want him to get older, just less whiney ;-) How I ended up with a whiney child, I will never understand. In any case, Jason raced auto cross today and place second in the novice category. First place was another BMW Mini with a driver named... Jason. How funny! I stayed home with the kids while he raced. We went to church and there was a luncheon afterward. Plus, we had naps to consider. Over all it was a good and productive day. The leaves are at the tail end of changing colors and falling off. Soon, it will just be cold with no pretty autumn to look at.
Yesterday, I made my first attempt at cutting Joshua's hair. I looked up instructions online and picked up scissors at a beauty supply store. Already, I saved $5 on the cost we usually pay for taking him to the barber. I have to say, I think I did a pretty good job. I obviously need more practice but I am sure I will get plenty! I kept Joshie still with his bucket of Halloween candy and the Incredibles movie. The cut took about 15 minutes. I also helped Jason blend his hair cut later that day. I guess I need to hang my sign out as a barber, too! Cutting hair is something I thought I would NEVER do, having no inclination or talent for it, but here we are.
Friday, we had a very nice LONG walk in the gorgeous weather. It was 70! We wore Joshua out. I really need to do something like that EVERY day with him but with all the other household chores I don't get out as much as I would like. He really needs a good 30+ minutes twice a day of just hard playing in order to be manageable. So, on days that he doesn't get that in, I try and at least get him out for a walk around the nearby streets.
Joshua had another good day at school on Thursday. He was excited to turn in his art assignment to Miss Joan. The task was to collect leaves and create something with them on a piece of paper. Joshua chose a rocket, his favorite thing to make these days. I assisted only with applying glue to the leaves. Otherwise, Joshua did everything else including asking to add paint to his piece of art. I was so proud of him. He often rushes through guided activities like this and this time he was really interested in working on the project. Miss Joan helped Joshua walk in the circle with his classmates, singing the ABC's. She said he was a little weepy. I imagine he probably turned into a wet noodle and whine the entire time. But, he did it and maybe next time will be better. Baby steps. He is definitely participating more and more each time. He still says, 'I don't want to go to school' but I think he is enjoying his time there when he gets there.
Mira ... is no doing 'Peek a Boo' as well as her other tricks. She took several steps today. Grandad is one of her favorite people as is Daddy and she walked to both of them. She said, 'Cat' yesterday. I am not sure if it is her first word. She also says, 'Hi Dada' and 'Bye-bye.' Jason said he heard her say 'Cat' the other day, too. I would be funny for cat to be her first word since dog was Joshua's first word. She communicates her needs better each day. She has a very distinctive short, loud, "AH' sound that she makes when she needs something. She will bring toys to you to for you to play with her. And, if you start a game and stop she will move your hand or body to indicate that she wants you to keep playing.
We are working on sleep with Mira. We have started a bedtime routine of getting pj's on, nursing, reading 2-3 books and turning of the room light. Then we lay her down, pat her back and ... she cries. We do the patting again until she falls asleep and usually she is down until 11 pm. I try to nurse her before I sleep and that has been working reasonably well. She'll sleep until 4 or so. The unfortunate part is that she is waking up now between 5 and 6. That is a little early for me. With the time change, too, it is quite dark at that hour. Because she is up and we have quiet alone time, I have been working on infant potty training with her then. Although I don't like the early hour, my days have been a bit more productive because of getting up then AND I really do like my time with just Mira-baby. Joshie and I get uninterrupted time together when Mira is napping in the morning. We often read stories or play legos then.
Well - I suppose I should end this BOOK that I have written tonight. Tomorrow will bring more adventures and joys to share with you.
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