I've been meaning to make this post for a while. Sometimes I even 'record' moments that happen during the day as if I were adding them to the blog, in my head. But they seldom make it from brain to keyboard. Mommy is just too busy. I am doing my best to keep this order: children, home, business, food-stuff, pool but what gets left off the list most often is blogging.
The first week of December, while Jason was away to Florida for a conference, which we survived, Evie sprouted molars. She is not enjoying them breaking through and often wakes in the night needing snuggling. She wished Dylan a 'Happy Birthday' today and spoke the words quite well. I used to enjoy Mira's 'Aboo BeeBa' for Happy Birthday but when Evie speaks she is very clear. We are working on 'up' instead of 'bup' but she is a little chatterbox.
Mira crawled into bed this morning with me. Josh and Mira often make their way to my bed around 6:30 am. I asked her what she was doing and she said in her little sleepy voice, 'I'm beeping...with you.' Well, Mira, I like to 'beep' with you, too! They are both snuggle-muffins in the morning. Mira is quite the talker and can say long, complex things but she still has her own 'language' at times that is easier to discern in person.
Joshua has been enjoying legos (of course) but also sitting for long periods of time cutting Kiragami. Usually he asks me to fold the papers but he is quite good at the cutting part. He has also taken to Indiana Jones in the last week or so and has been scared more recently of movies and stories and such than in the past. It seems his fantastic imagination is catching up with him.
Joshua is understanding the Nativity and can explain the story. He talks a lot about GOD and rules and such. He is doing well both in school and in Sunday School and we are working on manners, listening (and following) directions and treating people with respect. It seems we will be working on these things for a long time to come.
They are all super excited about Christmas and Santa coming. They visited Santa the first Friday in December and an elf has left activities for them to do every day such as make cookies, watch Christmas movies, see the Christmas parade, etc. They made their requests to Santa - a princess doll for Mira, a Bakugan Dragonoid for Joshua and well... Evie didn't ask for anything but we put a good word in for her to the big guy in red.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Evie 15 mos check up
The dr. was AMAZED at all the words Evie has now. I made a list in the two days before her check up and below are all the ones I collected. She weighs 23 lb 3 oz and the nurse measured her at 30" but that would mean she shrunk. I think I had her about 32". I can double check. She is definitely not shrinking. Her favorite new word is 'NO' and she loves to show her preferences... all the time.
kitty cat
thank you
bye bye
get down
kitty cat
thank you
bye bye
get down
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Vocabulary Explosion
Evie is adding new words all the time now. Just today she has added, 'Bear, Mommy, and Bite" to her vocabulary. With Joshua and Mira I kept a list of what they said when. With Evie, that hasn't happened. It is ok, we still love her tremendously!
Josh has a birthday party today at a bouncy place that all the kids are invited to. They are so excited to be going. It is a cold, windy day so we haven't been outside to play.
Mira is trying to remove her nap from her day but I am not ready for that yet and I don't think she is either. Josh took a nap up through 4 and periodically until he was 5. I need my afternoon time!
Time to cook dinner so that Daddy can eat while we are away at the party.
Josh has a birthday party today at a bouncy place that all the kids are invited to. They are so excited to be going. It is a cold, windy day so we haven't been outside to play.
Mira is trying to remove her nap from her day but I am not ready for that yet and I don't think she is either. Josh took a nap up through 4 and periodically until he was 5. I need my afternoon time!
Time to cook dinner so that Daddy can eat while we are away at the party.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Halloween at our house is a much anticipated event. I held the kids off until the middle of October from decorating the house inside and out but we went on two hay rides to pick pumpkins and several hay and corn mazes. I love fall and I hope that my children will appreciate this season, too.
We carved our pumpkins a week before Halloween with Joshua picking a spooking design and making a drawing for a creepy, nashing mouth to adorn the big 44 pound pumpkin we picked and Mira drawing a funny face for her small pumpkin, the littlest one we could reasonably carve. On pumpkin carving day we roasted the seeds and enjoyed spiced cider.
On the school hayride Joshua spent more time hunting for bugs, which were abundant, than looking for the perfect pumpkin. Mira, again, find the smallest pumpkin she could. She prefers little things.
On Halloween, we had a dinosaur (Joshua), a fairy princess (Mira) and a scarecrow (Evelyn) out hunting for goodies. We hit the four cul du sacs that are nearest to our house and called it a night. Even so, without having ingested one bit of sugar the children were bouncing off the walls. They dug in and had several candies each and then it was off to bed.
Joshua's behavior, for the most part, is great except we he does get into trouble it is something BIG. We finally broke him of the habit of climbing on top of our armoire after writing about 60 lines over 3 days. But we couldn't keep him out of our room and our drawers. The door to our bedroom is now locked after an unfortunate event with a pocket knife and our foot board.
Mira is having better days consistently. She is such a wild card though when she decides to misbehave. It is hard to enforce rules for her because the situations often affect everyone else. I think that age 4 can't come soon enough! But when she is good she is very, very good!
Evie is adding words, words, words! She understands concepts that surprise me like when she wonders through the house with a bracelet showing anyone that she comes across with a, "Look! Look!". She says "Thank You" and "playground" and "pumpkin". Mandy is Candy. She brings people things that belong to them and tries (sometimes succeeding!) to put her clothes on and off.
We carved our pumpkins a week before Halloween with Joshua picking a spooking design and making a drawing for a creepy, nashing mouth to adorn the big 44 pound pumpkin we picked and Mira drawing a funny face for her small pumpkin, the littlest one we could reasonably carve. On pumpkin carving day we roasted the seeds and enjoyed spiced cider.
On the school hayride Joshua spent more time hunting for bugs, which were abundant, than looking for the perfect pumpkin. Mira, again, find the smallest pumpkin she could. She prefers little things.
On Halloween, we had a dinosaur (Joshua), a fairy princess (Mira) and a scarecrow (Evelyn) out hunting for goodies. We hit the four cul du sacs that are nearest to our house and called it a night. Even so, without having ingested one bit of sugar the children were bouncing off the walls. They dug in and had several candies each and then it was off to bed.
Joshua's behavior, for the most part, is great except we he does get into trouble it is something BIG. We finally broke him of the habit of climbing on top of our armoire after writing about 60 lines over 3 days. But we couldn't keep him out of our room and our drawers. The door to our bedroom is now locked after an unfortunate event with a pocket knife and our foot board.
Mira is having better days consistently. She is such a wild card though when she decides to misbehave. It is hard to enforce rules for her because the situations often affect everyone else. I think that age 4 can't come soon enough! But when she is good she is very, very good!
Evie is adding words, words, words! She understands concepts that surprise me like when she wonders through the house with a bracelet showing anyone that she comes across with a, "Look! Look!". She says "Thank You" and "playground" and "pumpkin". Mandy is Candy. She brings people things that belong to them and tries (sometimes succeeding!) to put her clothes on and off.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Today, since it wasn't a school day, we got dressed and went out for errands. We only had to run the movies back to the library but I was hoping to also stop at the orchard for apples and cider. The kids, however, voted for a walk down by the water. It was humid today but not unpleasant so we headed over to the park. Along the walk we saw a crab, geese, ducks, little fish and big 14" fish, a frog and a blue dragonfly. It was a lot of fun and the apples? They'll be there the next time we need an outing.
Mira has been doing a bit better these past couple of days without any major, spitting, hitting, kicking, screaming, throw herself on the floor and pee tantrums. Just minor skirmishes. Three days ago we started insisting that even if they were not asleep, the kids had to stay in their bedroom until 7am. These past several mornings have been more pleasant too since I can get up and take care of a couple of chores and starting breakfast before the wild rompus begins.
It is almost 12:30, Evie is down for her nap, Mira will be going down next and everyone is fed. Although we can get a good, full day out of Joshua with play time, quiet time and meals and even outings, the girls just can't handle it. They are good for a couple of hours at best doing any thing before they need a break. It would be easier if either of them could take naps on the fly but both prefer their beds. So we are left with a few hours in the morning after breakfast and then some time in the evening (as long as we include dinner) to do anything else. Definitely puts a crimp on the day's activities.
It is nice, though, having time during the day that is just me and Josh. Well, just me and any one of the children is nice. We are taking Josh out to see the Berenstain Bears tomorrow night. I know he is going to love it. Mira would probably like it too but the show is at 7:30 and we just never know how she is going to behave, she is a wild card.
Mira has been doing a bit better these past couple of days without any major, spitting, hitting, kicking, screaming, throw herself on the floor and pee tantrums. Just minor skirmishes. Three days ago we started insisting that even if they were not asleep, the kids had to stay in their bedroom until 7am. These past several mornings have been more pleasant too since I can get up and take care of a couple of chores and starting breakfast before the wild rompus begins.
It is almost 12:30, Evie is down for her nap, Mira will be going down next and everyone is fed. Although we can get a good, full day out of Joshua with play time, quiet time and meals and even outings, the girls just can't handle it. They are good for a couple of hours at best doing any thing before they need a break. It would be easier if either of them could take naps on the fly but both prefer their beds. So we are left with a few hours in the morning after breakfast and then some time in the evening (as long as we include dinner) to do anything else. Definitely puts a crimp on the day's activities.
It is nice, though, having time during the day that is just me and Josh. Well, just me and any one of the children is nice. We are taking Josh out to see the Berenstain Bears tomorrow night. I know he is going to love it. Mira would probably like it too but the show is at 7:30 and we just never know how she is going to behave, she is a wild card.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Monthly?
Maybe I should update the blog title to reflect how often I actually get a chance to sit down and write to this. Picture uploading on flickr is just as bad. However, I often think in blog posts, if only my thoughts translated into the computer in a blink of an eye....
Last weekend was our annual beach vacation. We usually go to Rehobeth but tried an RV campground in Ocean City instead this year. With Jason very busy at work and school all the preparations and clean up for the trip fell to me. It was very stressful. Add to that Joshua's first day back at preschool for the year, the day we left and Jason not being able to join us until the second day in the evening. I was feeling like I needed a vacation from my vacation! But, Jason WAS able to make it (there was a chance he was going to have to pass) and the weather was so fine while we were there. We had a little cottage within walking distance of the beach, bay side and could see Assateague Island while the kids played in the sand, hunted for welk's and hermit crabs and splashed in the water. Joshua and Mira took kites and were able to fly them. My parents, as a help to me, joined us Wed-Friday and we had a great time in their company as well as the Bowers whom we share our beach vacation with. We did hit the boardwalk and Assateague Island and we took a fun boat cruise getting to the Island. I just love to watch Joshua explore. He is so excited about finding fish, hermit crabs, bugs... just about anything that moves. We were leaving the beach on the last night we were there and I had to ask him to empty his pockets, which were full of hermit crabs, before we walked away from the water. Mira loved playing in the sand and on the play set the best. She got into the water a little but she was not as gung ho to swim as Joshua. Evie was fearless: running in and out of the water, eating sand and playing on the play set on her own. We came back Sunday night, had dinner and started getting back to our normal routine that way Josh and Jason only missed one day of school.
Joshua is doing great this year at preschool so far. He has had 4 classes and has no problem leaving me to go. I asked him if he had a good day at school on Friday and he said, 'Well, I didn't get in trouble!' He is generally well behaved. It is just the interactions with Mira and taking things that are not his that we really have problems with now.
Last night, we ordered Chinese food for dinner. Joshua, not knowing what I was calling to order said, "You ALWAYS order pizza for dinner." As if I ordered food every night and it was always pizza. Yeah right! We had mac and cheese from a box for the first time (to the kids) the other day and he said, 'This is better than any of the food that you make.' Wow! Thanks, Joshua, for that stellar comment! Kids have such short term memories at times. Joshua says the darnedest things!
Today, we loaded the kids and our bikes up and drove over to the dam where there is a nice rail trail along the water. We had the girls in the trailer and Joshua on his trike. He make it out a mile and back. It was a bit challenging on the way back for him but he did it and took a nap this afternoon.
Mira is having SERIOUS tantrums when she gets tired now. It is impossible to get her to sleep when she would like to go because that is 11 in the morning. But, if she doens't sleep at that time all heck breaks loose. Anything will set her off and what ensues is usually kicking, biting, screaming, spitting, scratching, throwing. She goes from this angelic looking child to hell on two feet in seconds and it lasts for minutes, sometimes and hour. Our trip home from preschool on Friday consisted of dragging Mira kicking and screaming back to the car from the school; wrestling her into her seat; driving off with her screaming at the top of her lungs; stopping twice to try and calm her and keep her from climbing out of the carseat. I managed to get us home by promising something, M&M's maybe, if she didn't scream anymore on the ride and if she could watch her show, Dragon Tales, for this same good behavior. She had started this particular tantrum when we had to leave her show to go get Joshua. She is a handful. On bad days, getting through the day is really rough and I need a quiet break at the end. On good days, we only have 1-2 big tantrums and when the children go to bed I enjoy the peace that ensues. She really is a wild card. What we do on a daily basis is dictated by Mira's mood and limitations.
Evelyn is walking like a pro now and saying (and copying) more words. She knows better what she wants and will get frustrated if you do not give it to her.
Well, I am falling asleep at the computer so I am done for tonight. More stories to follow.
Last weekend was our annual beach vacation. We usually go to Rehobeth but tried an RV campground in Ocean City instead this year. With Jason very busy at work and school all the preparations and clean up for the trip fell to me. It was very stressful. Add to that Joshua's first day back at preschool for the year, the day we left and Jason not being able to join us until the second day in the evening. I was feeling like I needed a vacation from my vacation! But, Jason WAS able to make it (there was a chance he was going to have to pass) and the weather was so fine while we were there. We had a little cottage within walking distance of the beach, bay side and could see Assateague Island while the kids played in the sand, hunted for welk's and hermit crabs and splashed in the water. Joshua and Mira took kites and were able to fly them. My parents, as a help to me, joined us Wed-Friday and we had a great time in their company as well as the Bowers whom we share our beach vacation with. We did hit the boardwalk and Assateague Island and we took a fun boat cruise getting to the Island. I just love to watch Joshua explore. He is so excited about finding fish, hermit crabs, bugs... just about anything that moves. We were leaving the beach on the last night we were there and I had to ask him to empty his pockets, which were full of hermit crabs, before we walked away from the water. Mira loved playing in the sand and on the play set the best. She got into the water a little but she was not as gung ho to swim as Joshua. Evie was fearless: running in and out of the water, eating sand and playing on the play set on her own. We came back Sunday night, had dinner and started getting back to our normal routine that way Josh and Jason only missed one day of school.
Joshua is doing great this year at preschool so far. He has had 4 classes and has no problem leaving me to go. I asked him if he had a good day at school on Friday and he said, 'Well, I didn't get in trouble!' He is generally well behaved. It is just the interactions with Mira and taking things that are not his that we really have problems with now.
Last night, we ordered Chinese food for dinner. Joshua, not knowing what I was calling to order said, "You ALWAYS order pizza for dinner." As if I ordered food every night and it was always pizza. Yeah right! We had mac and cheese from a box for the first time (to the kids) the other day and he said, 'This is better than any of the food that you make.' Wow! Thanks, Joshua, for that stellar comment! Kids have such short term memories at times. Joshua says the darnedest things!
Today, we loaded the kids and our bikes up and drove over to the dam where there is a nice rail trail along the water. We had the girls in the trailer and Joshua on his trike. He make it out a mile and back. It was a bit challenging on the way back for him but he did it and took a nap this afternoon.
Mira is having SERIOUS tantrums when she gets tired now. It is impossible to get her to sleep when she would like to go because that is 11 in the morning. But, if she doens't sleep at that time all heck breaks loose. Anything will set her off and what ensues is usually kicking, biting, screaming, spitting, scratching, throwing. She goes from this angelic looking child to hell on two feet in seconds and it lasts for minutes, sometimes and hour. Our trip home from preschool on Friday consisted of dragging Mira kicking and screaming back to the car from the school; wrestling her into her seat; driving off with her screaming at the top of her lungs; stopping twice to try and calm her and keep her from climbing out of the carseat. I managed to get us home by promising something, M&M's maybe, if she didn't scream anymore on the ride and if she could watch her show, Dragon Tales, for this same good behavior. She had started this particular tantrum when we had to leave her show to go get Joshua. She is a handful. On bad days, getting through the day is really rough and I need a quiet break at the end. On good days, we only have 1-2 big tantrums and when the children go to bed I enjoy the peace that ensues. She really is a wild card. What we do on a daily basis is dictated by Mira's mood and limitations.
Evelyn is walking like a pro now and saying (and copying) more words. She knows better what she wants and will get frustrated if you do not give it to her.
Well, I am falling asleep at the computer so I am done for tonight. More stories to follow.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Walking and Summer Adventures
Evie is popping up and sitting down, taking steps and getting all around. The most she has walked in a row now is 7 steps but she is really trying and REALLY wants to be down moving by herself. I guess it is time to go get shoes that fit her. Mira's shoes are too small for her I think she is a 4.5 or so but I have not measured.
Mira has been fighting a cold and has not been eating well the past several days. She is tired and irritable. I am to the point that if she doesn't start eating well soon she'll be on an ice cream diet just to get more calories in her. Maybe I will make yogurt tonight so that she will have some good food to eat... Even in her sickness she is supremely adorable. She has been asking for ponytails. So I put her curly top hair into two little bouncy pony tails. She is just so darned cute I could eat her up!
Joshua had his first sleep over away from home without Mommy and Daddy after Evelyn's birthday party on Saturday. He went home with MeMaw and Grandad and fell asleep on the drive home in the back of the car with Nanny. He stayed Saturday and Sunday nights and I picked him up on Monday afternoon. From all accounts he was very well behaved and had a lot of fun. They went to lunch on Sunday after going to church. They played with his cousins, swam, went fishing, read books, watched movies and had an all around great time. He even slept in a tent inside the house. He loved that!
He continues to be very interested in bugs. Tonight we spotted green horned worms on my tomato plants. Not only that but some other bug had laid eggs on two of the caterpillars. He explained that it was a wasp that laid the eggs and when the eggs hatch the babies will eat the caterpillar. We had learned that information in the DK Bug book that he reads over and over again. So we explored the horned worms for a while before I took care of them. Can't have them eating my tomato plants!! Earlier today we had a visit from Stephanie, Noella and Tia Amy. The kids played outside, we ate lunch and then we all went to the pool. I think the children are pretty much worn out today!
Mira has been fighting a cold and has not been eating well the past several days. She is tired and irritable. I am to the point that if she doesn't start eating well soon she'll be on an ice cream diet just to get more calories in her. Maybe I will make yogurt tonight so that she will have some good food to eat... Even in her sickness she is supremely adorable. She has been asking for ponytails. So I put her curly top hair into two little bouncy pony tails. She is just so darned cute I could eat her up!
Joshua had his first sleep over away from home without Mommy and Daddy after Evelyn's birthday party on Saturday. He went home with MeMaw and Grandad and fell asleep on the drive home in the back of the car with Nanny. He stayed Saturday and Sunday nights and I picked him up on Monday afternoon. From all accounts he was very well behaved and had a lot of fun. They went to lunch on Sunday after going to church. They played with his cousins, swam, went fishing, read books, watched movies and had an all around great time. He even slept in a tent inside the house. He loved that!
He continues to be very interested in bugs. Tonight we spotted green horned worms on my tomato plants. Not only that but some other bug had laid eggs on two of the caterpillars. He explained that it was a wasp that laid the eggs and when the eggs hatch the babies will eat the caterpillar. We had learned that information in the DK Bug book that he reads over and over again. So we explored the horned worms for a while before I took care of them. Can't have them eating my tomato plants!! Earlier today we had a visit from Stephanie, Noella and Tia Amy. The kids played outside, we ate lunch and then we all went to the pool. I think the children are pretty much worn out today!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Evie is walking
As of her birthday, she took one step on her big day, she started walking. Tonight she took 3 steps. She can stand up in the middle of the room unassisted and if something is really enticing she will take a few steps towards it. So Jason wins! He said she would be walking by this week. :-) Best Daddy ever!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday, Evie Joy!
Evie started out her big birthday day with a visit to the dr for her 1 year well baby check up. She weighs 21 lb 6 oz and is 31" long. She remains tall and 'slender' and right on for her milestones. She is ahead of the game with mimicking people: combing her hair, putting on necklaces, washing herself, etc.
After the dr we bought a balloon for her and met Memaw and Grandad back at our house. We played on the swing and then had lunch. Evie napped in the afternoon and then after nap watched Wallace and Gromit with Grandad and Memaw and played some more.
She had a big dinner of pancakes, eggs, sausage, blueberries, peas and water and gobbled it all up. She couldn't get enough! After dinner she opened gifts and then we went to the ice cream shop.
It was a busy and pleasant day and now my littlest baby is 1!
After the dr we bought a balloon for her and met Memaw and Grandad back at our house. We played on the swing and then had lunch. Evie napped in the afternoon and then after nap watched Wallace and Gromit with Grandad and Memaw and played some more.
She had a big dinner of pancakes, eggs, sausage, blueberries, peas and water and gobbled it all up. She couldn't get enough! After dinner she opened gifts and then we went to the ice cream shop.
It was a busy and pleasant day and now my littlest baby is 1!
Monday, August 02, 2010
Piano Lessons
I started working with Joshua on the piano a couple of weeks ago. We sit down together at least once a week and work on reading music, learning the notes and playing tunes. I started teaching him the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" the other day and now he sits down several times a day to practice. He is learning three blind mice as well. And sometimes he just plays nice songs. It is really nice to hear him tinkering on the keys. The girls also like to join in but they are not quite ready to play.
On Wednesday we are having a piano repair man come to fix and tune the piano. It will be nice to play the notes around middle C again!
On Wednesday we are having a piano repair man come to fix and tune the piano. It will be nice to play the notes around middle C again!
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Aunt Betty and Uncle George came into town for the weekend so we planned to meet them and the family for dinner last night at Memaw & Grandad's house. It really was the perfect summer evening. Everyone contributed to a delicious meal al fresco with music playing in the background and the kids splashing in the pool. We put Mira and Evelyn down for bed at Mom's house and let Joshua stay up and play. It was so nice to visit.
Evelyn has added words! She now says, Mama, Dada, Hi, Meow, Arf and Night Night. We have tried some signs with her but she is not as receptive as Mira was. She can stand on her own but has not taken any solitary steps yet. It won't be long though!
Joshua is getting lots of practice writing as we are using that to deter him from saying words we don't approve of. He is going to have fantastic writing and spelling skills by the time he goes to kindergarten if this keeps up!
Mira's speech and vocabulary improve every day. She is thoughtful in her word choice and speaks slowly. She loves to make up songs and dance. She is so head strong and independent but also loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses. One day she will be president of the United States.
Evelyn has added words! She now says, Mama, Dada, Hi, Meow, Arf and Night Night. We have tried some signs with her but she is not as receptive as Mira was. She can stand on her own but has not taken any solitary steps yet. It won't be long though!
Joshua is getting lots of practice writing as we are using that to deter him from saying words we don't approve of. He is going to have fantastic writing and spelling skills by the time he goes to kindergarten if this keeps up!
Mira's speech and vocabulary improve every day. She is thoughtful in her word choice and speaks slowly. She loves to make up songs and dance. She is so head strong and independent but also loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses. One day she will be president of the United States.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Conversations with Joshua
I wish I had a tape recorder for some of the conversations I have had with Joshua. But, today's conversation was really, well, remarkable. We drove past a restaurant where Joshua has ordered a shrimp basket before. Joshua LOVES shrimp.
Joshie: Mommy can we eat at that store that has the shrimp.
Mommy: No, we can't have shrimp right now. There was an accident and the shrimp were hurt.
Joshie: The oil spill, Mommy?
Mommy: (*thinks* We haven't talked to Joshua about it much but it has been in the news. I guess he's got big ears) Yes. Lots of animals were hurt: birds, fish, shrimp. And they need time to grow and get big and healthy again.
Joshie: Who did that mommy?
Mommy: Someone made a mistake. They were doing something they shouldn't have been doing.
Joshie: Then they should go away.
Mommy: (*thinks* Wow! That's harsh. I mean I feel that way sometimes but I haven't expressed that to Joshie.) Why don't we give them a chance to fix their mistake.
Joshie: Maybe they should listen to Jesus. I don't think they listened to Jesus.
Mommy: (*thinks* Where did that come from?) Yes, Jesus and God both say that we should take care of the resources we have.
I am drawing a blank as to what happened next. He just kept surprising me with each subsequent answer.
Joshie: Mommy can we eat at that store that has the shrimp.
Mommy: No, we can't have shrimp right now. There was an accident and the shrimp were hurt.
Joshie: The oil spill, Mommy?
Mommy: (*thinks* We haven't talked to Joshua about it much but it has been in the news. I guess he's got big ears) Yes. Lots of animals were hurt: birds, fish, shrimp. And they need time to grow and get big and healthy again.
Joshie: Who did that mommy?
Mommy: Someone made a mistake. They were doing something they shouldn't have been doing.
Joshie: Then they should go away.
Mommy: (*thinks* Wow! That's harsh. I mean I feel that way sometimes but I haven't expressed that to Joshie.) Why don't we give them a chance to fix their mistake.
Joshie: Maybe they should listen to Jesus. I don't think they listened to Jesus.
Mommy: (*thinks* Where did that come from?) Yes, Jesus and God both say that we should take care of the resources we have.
I am drawing a blank as to what happened next. He just kept surprising me with each subsequent answer.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
These lazy summer days are packed with activities and just fly by. Most are so busy that housework and cooking are put on the backburner to swimming, library and trips to everywhere. That is how it should be and I am glad we are not bored.
We just returned from a trip to Fairborn(Dayton) Ohio for our third family Mini Meet East trip. The event was a lot of fun with a visit to the Air Force Museum, road rallye, autocross, banquet, picnic, rc car racing (Joshua won an award!) and a visit to Young's Dairy. The kids were good travelers even if bedtime was a bit hairy. On our drives we stopped at parks to stretch and eat and made the travel part of the fun.
Upon our return, Joshua started swimming lessons at our pool. Day 1 - Joshua sat under the picnic table. Day 2 - I was able to get him in the pool with the promise of a great reward (he chose ice cream) and he bit the bait. Day 3 - Well, we'll see. His job today is to stay near the teacher. If he does we've promised to wake him up tonight when it is dark to catch fireflies.
We have started over with Love and Logic because things have been getting a bit stressful at home. Early results are positive. Little J was having a hard time with name calling and hitting so we are trying to curb those behaviors.
Mira is herself. She is better behaved when she gets enough sleep. She sings and loves to play dolls. She is talking up a storm. I can understand her but she does have her own laguange that takes some time to get used to.
Evelyn crawls like a speed demon and pulls up on just about everything she comes to. She will even climb up on things (the other two were walking so maybe this didn't seem like such a surprise) so she can get into quite a bit of trouble. She has started communicating as well with signs for more and bye-bye. She says, 'Hi', Bye, Mama and Yes. She likes to make up peek a boo games to play and is just an all around happy baby. Her most remarkable feature though is the amount of food she can devour. Often she eats more than her siblings and she eats just about everything we give to her. When Evie sees food her arms start swinging and she just about bursts with excitement. I hope it lasts!
We just returned from a trip to Fairborn(Dayton) Ohio for our third family Mini Meet East trip. The event was a lot of fun with a visit to the Air Force Museum, road rallye, autocross, banquet, picnic, rc car racing (Joshua won an award!) and a visit to Young's Dairy. The kids were good travelers even if bedtime was a bit hairy. On our drives we stopped at parks to stretch and eat and made the travel part of the fun.
Upon our return, Joshua started swimming lessons at our pool. Day 1 - Joshua sat under the picnic table. Day 2 - I was able to get him in the pool with the promise of a great reward (he chose ice cream) and he bit the bait. Day 3 - Well, we'll see. His job today is to stay near the teacher. If he does we've promised to wake him up tonight when it is dark to catch fireflies.
We have started over with Love and Logic because things have been getting a bit stressful at home. Early results are positive. Little J was having a hard time with name calling and hitting so we are trying to curb those behaviors.
Mira is herself. She is better behaved when she gets enough sleep. She sings and loves to play dolls. She is talking up a storm. I can understand her but she does have her own laguange that takes some time to get used to.
Evelyn crawls like a speed demon and pulls up on just about everything she comes to. She will even climb up on things (the other two were walking so maybe this didn't seem like such a surprise) so she can get into quite a bit of trouble. She has started communicating as well with signs for more and bye-bye. She says, 'Hi', Bye, Mama and Yes. She likes to make up peek a boo games to play and is just an all around happy baby. Her most remarkable feature though is the amount of food she can devour. Often she eats more than her siblings and she eats just about everything we give to her. When Evie sees food her arms start swinging and she just about bursts with excitement. I hope it lasts!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day, Jason! Jason went with Josh, Stephanie, Grandad, Tio Omar and Dylan out fishing this morning. They didn't catch much but they did have fun. Everyone came back to our house for a cookout (the wee ones were sleeping) and then Amy brought their slip and slide and that was a winner. Mira and Noella didn't go down it much but Joshua, Stephanie and Dylan had a blast. We loaded them up with pie and ice cream and then headed over to the pool for a swim. And here is the part that made my day, maybe my month... Joshua SWAM! I mean, went under the water, kicked his legs, moved his arms and swam. I am so proud of him. He has done great this year and we are only a few weeks into the swimming season. We try and go every day at least for a little while. Evelyn likes floating in the infant boat we have and Mira does, too. They are all little fishies!
Evelyn had her 9 mos check up a week and a half ago. She is growing and developing right on track. At 20 lb (exactly) she is 95th for height and 75th for weight. She is in 12-18 mos clothing now. Mira, weighed in at 25 lbs. We weighed her just for fun. She did have a growth spurt this past spring and is now in 24 mos-2T clothing.
Evie now has 5 teeth (as of last weekend), she babbles and likes to play peek-a-boo. She also eats everything in site and gets so excited when she sees food. She can sometimes use a fork and drinks water from a sippy cup. She is pulling to standing but not very interested in cruising. She gets around very well by crawling.
Mira is a take charge kind of gal. She is often the center of attention these days. No one seems to think that she will suffer from 'middle child syndrome'. I love my outgoing, cuddling baby girl but WOW the twos have been hard on her.
All the kids did great on our recent trip down to Athens/Atlanta, Georgia. We took two days to drive down staying with friends in Winston-Salem, NC on the way and a hotel on the way back. We enjoyed meeting all sorts of cousins from my Dad's side of the family and had Friday evening through Sunday morning to hang out and get to know them all. We were even able to squeeze in a visit with one set of Evie's Godparents, Reagan & David, in Atlanta. The drive home was long but we did stop at a crazy park called, Dinosaur Land in VA, on the drive home.
Well- bedtime is calling. Off to another busy week!
Evelyn had her 9 mos check up a week and a half ago. She is growing and developing right on track. At 20 lb (exactly) she is 95th for height and 75th for weight. She is in 12-18 mos clothing now. Mira, weighed in at 25 lbs. We weighed her just for fun. She did have a growth spurt this past spring and is now in 24 mos-2T clothing.
Evie now has 5 teeth (as of last weekend), she babbles and likes to play peek-a-boo. She also eats everything in site and gets so excited when she sees food. She can sometimes use a fork and drinks water from a sippy cup. She is pulling to standing but not very interested in cruising. She gets around very well by crawling.
Mira is a take charge kind of gal. She is often the center of attention these days. No one seems to think that she will suffer from 'middle child syndrome'. I love my outgoing, cuddling baby girl but WOW the twos have been hard on her.
All the kids did great on our recent trip down to Athens/Atlanta, Georgia. We took two days to drive down staying with friends in Winston-Salem, NC on the way and a hotel on the way back. We enjoyed meeting all sorts of cousins from my Dad's side of the family and had Friday evening through Sunday morning to hang out and get to know them all. We were even able to squeeze in a visit with one set of Evie's Godparents, Reagan & David, in Atlanta. The drive home was long but we did stop at a crazy park called, Dinosaur Land in VA, on the drive home.
Well- bedtime is calling. Off to another busy week!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Out for a Swim
The weather has been hot and we had a long weekend so guess what we did all weeekend? Swam, ate, napped and stayed cool. Evelyn went swimming once already but we got her feet in on Saturday and then a lot more of her in today. She didn't like it. :-) But that is ok. We'll keep working on her. Joshua just jumped right in on Saturday even though the water was cool. We had my friend from high school and her two little ones over. Before the pool came a hike in the woods and after the pool came more swimming and crabs at our neighbor's. We've been wearing the kids out. It's great. You'd think they would sleep longer but alas...no.
Yesterday we all went to Target as a family so that Joshua could pick out a Bakugan he has been wanting. He saved all his pennies from last year in hopes of buying a water slide. But, then this past week he decided he wanted a Bakugan instead. He was so excited to use his own money to buy it. After that, Jason took the kids to another neighbor's to swim and eat, I joined them after my tour of duty at our community pool.
Today, we went to the community pool and are now fixing another bbq dinner and homemade ice cream, of course. Mira was in and out of the pool. She just needs a few days and I bet she will be jumping in the water.
Evelyn started eating with a fork today. I'd put the food on it and she'd put it in her mouth. She also got another tooth on the top. She had a fever this week but that cleared up. Thank goodness!
Better get going to the party!
Yesterday we all went to Target as a family so that Joshua could pick out a Bakugan he has been wanting. He saved all his pennies from last year in hopes of buying a water slide. But, then this past week he decided he wanted a Bakugan instead. He was so excited to use his own money to buy it. After that, Jason took the kids to another neighbor's to swim and eat, I joined them after my tour of duty at our community pool.
Today, we went to the community pool and are now fixing another bbq dinner and homemade ice cream, of course. Mira was in and out of the pool. She just needs a few days and I bet she will be jumping in the water.
Evelyn started eating with a fork today. I'd put the food on it and she'd put it in her mouth. She also got another tooth on the top. She had a fever this week but that cleared up. Thank goodness!
Better get going to the party!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Last Day of Preschool
Today, was Joshua's last day of preschool in the 3-year old program with Ms. Joan. The kids arrived at their normal time and then parents came back at 10am for outside play time, a picnic banquet and circle time with end of year gifts and remembrances. It was a nice day and Jason and I were both able to make it. We even had a bagel together before going back to preschool and a little Mommy, Daddy relaxing time! Ms. Joan pulled me aside to tell me that one of the top five highlights of her year was Joshua coming up to her one day, giving her a hug and telling her he loved her. I can understand how touching that moment must have been for her. Joshua, although he is snugly with me, is very shy around other people and very particular about who touches him. It took him a year and a half to make that leap with Ms. Joan and she saw just how important that hug was. This is why I think she is a great teacher! We will still see her next year when Joshua is in the 4-year old program but he will be moving up to Ms. Ellis' class.
This weekend we have two birthday parties to go to. Joshua is quite the socialite! Guess we are going to keep busy with his busy social schedule.
Evelyn crawls everywhere now. She pulls up by the couch, bathtub and step stool. She climbs the step between the living room and kitchen. She is really on the go and EVERYTHING goes in her mouth. It is fun to watch her explore her world. She is a happy baby and everyone is always remarking just how smiley she is. Just last Sunday she added another tooth on top (that's 3 total) and a week ago Thursday she drank water from a sippy cup by herself. She eats lots of finger foods now very well.
Mira is my problem child right now. She is so sweet and snugly. She loves to hug, kiss, brush hair, dress up and really just act like a doll. But in a heartbeat her mood will change and she will burst your eardrum with her scream, take off running down the street, fall to the floor and not get up or swing her new broom to whack her brother. She is hell on wheels. The moms at preschool laugh at her antics, I think in secret relief that they do not have to deal with her, and remark that Mira will never be a middle child wall flower blending into the scenery. Always the center of attention and trying to keep up with Joshua.
This weekend we have two birthday parties to go to. Joshua is quite the socialite! Guess we are going to keep busy with his busy social schedule.
Evelyn crawls everywhere now. She pulls up by the couch, bathtub and step stool. She climbs the step between the living room and kitchen. She is really on the go and EVERYTHING goes in her mouth. It is fun to watch her explore her world. She is a happy baby and everyone is always remarking just how smiley she is. Just last Sunday she added another tooth on top (that's 3 total) and a week ago Thursday she drank water from a sippy cup by herself. She eats lots of finger foods now very well.
Mira is my problem child right now. She is so sweet and snugly. She loves to hug, kiss, brush hair, dress up and really just act like a doll. But in a heartbeat her mood will change and she will burst your eardrum with her scream, take off running down the street, fall to the floor and not get up or swing her new broom to whack her brother. She is hell on wheels. The moms at preschool laugh at her antics, I think in secret relief that they do not have to deal with her, and remark that Mira will never be a middle child wall flower blending into the scenery. Always the center of attention and trying to keep up with Joshua.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Another year, another Mother's Day Tea with all the trimmings and time to thank my mom, grandma and sister for being great moms. We got in a bit ago from a long day of church, Dylan's confirmation and the afternoon tea. The kids had fun playing, of course. Joshua said his favorite part of the day was playing with Stephanie. I love that!
Joshua question of the day: "Are turtles ever allergic to people?"
Joshua question of the day: "Are turtles ever allergic to people?"
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Gone Fishing
We took the kids to fish last Saturday. It was a hit. Only daddy was brave enough to bait the hook with worms. I was very happy when we figured out that a cookie on the hook lasted longer than a worm. We caught two fish and Joshua was thrilled. The funny part was that he got a bit bored with the casting and the pole and asked, 'Hey, Daddy, why don't we just grab the fish.' I'd like to see that!
All the kids have had a cold this weekend and into the week. Mira spiked the highest fever but Joshua had a cough. They are all on the mend now. Thank goodness!
Evelyn is pulling up and standing next to furniture. She crawled over when I was giving Mira a bath and surprised me when I looked over to see her standing next to the tub. :-) She is eating feeding herself cereal bites and bits of sweet potato. She is still a tall, chunky girl. It is fun to see her progress!
Mira is an obstinate, demanding, charming, smiley, screaming two year old. She is like a waking advertisement for bi-polar medication. Ah, to be two. She says and does the cutest things and then turns around and acts possessed. Right now, she is sitting on my lap eating my breakfast for me. I love the snuggle time but would also enjoy my own food!
All the kids have had a cold this weekend and into the week. Mira spiked the highest fever but Joshua had a cough. They are all on the mend now. Thank goodness!
Evelyn is pulling up and standing next to furniture. She crawled over when I was giving Mira a bath and surprised me when I looked over to see her standing next to the tub. :-) She is eating feeding herself cereal bites and bits of sweet potato. She is still a tall, chunky girl. It is fun to see her progress!
Mira is an obstinate, demanding, charming, smiley, screaming two year old. She is like a waking advertisement for bi-polar medication. Ah, to be two. She says and does the cutest things and then turns around and acts possessed. Right now, she is sitting on my lap eating my breakfast for me. I love the snuggle time but would also enjoy my own food!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Evelyn started waving for real this weekend. Previously she had down a single hand gesture in the general direction of a person. But, now she takes one little cute hand, waves it up and down and sometimes ends in a little beauty queen flourish.
March of Dimes
We started off the week last week bright, early and cold on the road with hundreds of fellow walkers raising money for the March of Dimes, March for Babies. It was a good morning. Joshua managed most of the walk on his own with a little piggy backing and strollering towards the end. We brought the strollers for the girls and they were in and out the whole time.
Evelyn can now get herself to the step between the kitchen and family room and push to stand up. She still has noodle knees so I don't see walking next week but she is on her way. Evie is also now eating chunkier foods: oatmeal, quinoa, soups, etc. She can put away about a cup of food in a sitting and nurses in between. Her pincher grasp has developed and she can now eat little cereal bites, the ones that melt in your mouth. We have to watch the toys on the floor because she can get into everything now.
Joshua had a momentous event at school. He hugged his teacher! It only took two years but his teacher was beyond thrilled for this show of affection.
On Monday, Staci came over to help with the kids. She took them into the back yard and they searched for bugs under all the rocks (I mean all the rocks!) I am not sure how they moved some of the boulders. They came in excited to tell me about the ants, orange centipedes, worms and other critters they spotted. On Friday, we took Stephanie and Sam and went to Rumbleway Farm to pick up fresh chicken. They all had lots of fun exploring and seeing the animals there. The goats charged us and we saw freshly hatched turkeys along with a really friendly cat and lots of chickens.
Today we are supposed to go to a church picnic but it is raining so we will see.
Evelyn can now get herself to the step between the kitchen and family room and push to stand up. She still has noodle knees so I don't see walking next week but she is on her way. Evie is also now eating chunkier foods: oatmeal, quinoa, soups, etc. She can put away about a cup of food in a sitting and nurses in between. Her pincher grasp has developed and she can now eat little cereal bites, the ones that melt in your mouth. We have to watch the toys on the floor because she can get into everything now.
Joshua had a momentous event at school. He hugged his teacher! It only took two years but his teacher was beyond thrilled for this show of affection.
On Monday, Staci came over to help with the kids. She took them into the back yard and they searched for bugs under all the rocks (I mean all the rocks!) I am not sure how they moved some of the boulders. They came in excited to tell me about the ants, orange centipedes, worms and other critters they spotted. On Friday, we took Stephanie and Sam and went to Rumbleway Farm to pick up fresh chicken. They all had lots of fun exploring and seeing the animals there. The goats charged us and we saw freshly hatched turkeys along with a really friendly cat and lots of chickens.
Today we are supposed to go to a church picnic but it is raining so we will see.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Perfect Saturday
This morning we got up and out to the Farmer's Market. Mira picked out a lavender plant to take home and we got a handful of other items: bacon, cheese, green onions, and lettuce. The kids got chocolate and the table set up by the Master Gardeners.
When we came home we gather ourselves together and headed out again with Daddy in tow. We picked up sandwiches at Subway and then went to an estuary for a picnic and walk. We heard and then saw frogs just as we came in and took our things to picnic down by the water. Joshua ate lunch intermitently tossing seed pods into the water and watching them float. We made our way back to the nature center after lunch and did a couple of the observation stations on the way.
Inside the nature center some of the teenage volunteers were working with the wildlife there. There was a box turtle on the floor that sped over to our shoes to nibble on them. He was neat. And they had the snakes out to touch. One snake was being fed, a corn snake, but he wasn't very interested in the mouse that was running around in his cage. So they moved a black rat snake into that cage and within seconds the snake had caught the mouse and was constricting him. Minutes later the mouse was dead and the snake was working on eating him, whole. We saw a toad and several other kinds of turtles. Josh and Mira both touched the snakes and like watching the turtle speed around on the floor. They watched the snake eating the mouse with interest and were not upset.
This was our first time to the estuary and it was great. We will definitely go back! Yesterday and the day before were also full of nature as we had a picnic and visited the dam on Thursday and then went to the acquarium on Friday. Now it is nap time and we are all pooped!
When we came home we gather ourselves together and headed out again with Daddy in tow. We picked up sandwiches at Subway and then went to an estuary for a picnic and walk. We heard and then saw frogs just as we came in and took our things to picnic down by the water. Joshua ate lunch intermitently tossing seed pods into the water and watching them float. We made our way back to the nature center after lunch and did a couple of the observation stations on the way.
Inside the nature center some of the teenage volunteers were working with the wildlife there. There was a box turtle on the floor that sped over to our shoes to nibble on them. He was neat. And they had the snakes out to touch. One snake was being fed, a corn snake, but he wasn't very interested in the mouse that was running around in his cage. So they moved a black rat snake into that cage and within seconds the snake had caught the mouse and was constricting him. Minutes later the mouse was dead and the snake was working on eating him, whole. We saw a toad and several other kinds of turtles. Josh and Mira both touched the snakes and like watching the turtle speed around on the floor. They watched the snake eating the mouse with interest and were not upset.
This was our first time to the estuary and it was great. We will definitely go back! Yesterday and the day before were also full of nature as we had a picnic and visited the dam on Thursday and then went to the acquarium on Friday. Now it is nap time and we are all pooped!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Evelyn is on the go now. She started crawling yesterday. I guess the house is no longer safe. I was used to just plopping her down and watching her play, sit and roll around in mostly the same spot. Now, she can get to the other kids' toys. The end of an era :-) She is also starting to eat those little cereal puffs that are for infants. She doesn't like any food with chunks but we are working on moving things along from puree's to stuff with more texture.
Josh and Mira had a nice time running around in the backyard last night and playing together. It is a rarity. Usually they need mommy and daddy to help give them direction and act as referee. The weather has been glorious and we have tried to get everyone outside as much as possible.
Josh and Mira had a nice time running around in the backyard last night and playing together. It is a rarity. Usually they need mommy and daddy to help give them direction and act as referee. The weather has been glorious and we have tried to get everyone outside as much as possible.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Easter and Speech
Easter Sunday the kids were up bright and early, 6 am, ready to see what the Easter bunny had hidden. Thankfully, for Aunt Jill, we were able to hold them off until 6:45am. They gathered the eggs and ate a healthy breakfast of candy, hard boiled eggs and jellied toast. Then off to church at Memaw's to celebrate have ANOTHER egg hunt and then head over to Memaw and Grandad's for Easter Supper. It was a busy day and the kids were pooped at the end of it. Joshua was particularly affected in church by all the candy and was practically vibrating from the sugar. We were able to get Mira down for a nap, thanks to daddy. Jason did homework in the spaces in between activities and was able to turn that in this morning. Evelyn was her normal, cheerful self. She enjoyed the applesauce and mashed potatoes and also had a nap in there. She liked the plastic eggs to chew on and enjoyed her new picture book.
Last night, we had Aunt Carie over for dinner. She brought the kids chick-fil-a and that was a hit. The highlight was with Evie though. Jason mentioned that he thought she was ready to start baby signs. Carie offered some suggestion on how to make it work and I made skeptical comments that Evie was likely not ready yet. But, I tried anyway and showed her the sign for more by touching the tips of my fingers together, doing it for her with her hands and then giving her a bite of food. Then next bite, I showed her the food and said, 'more?' and she did it! She brought her hands together herself. So, we played this game throughout her feeding and again at breakfast this morning. I guess she is ready :-) Smart little cookie.
Last night, we had Aunt Carie over for dinner. She brought the kids chick-fil-a and that was a hit. The highlight was with Evie though. Jason mentioned that he thought she was ready to start baby signs. Carie offered some suggestion on how to make it work and I made skeptical comments that Evie was likely not ready yet. But, I tried anyway and showed her the sign for more by touching the tips of my fingers together, doing it for her with her hands and then giving her a bite of food. Then next bite, I showed her the food and said, 'more?' and she did it! She brought her hands together herself. So, we played this game throughout her feeding and again at breakfast this morning. I guess she is ready :-) Smart little cookie.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Visit and milestones
This week Evelyn was able to push herself to sitting. She can now roll both ways well and sit up. She is still SOOOOOO close to crawling but just has not do it yet. She is unhappy in any of the 'containers' that we have for her and would much rather just sit on the floor surrounded by toys. As long as she is content we are happy. She is eating lots of foods as long as they are pureed smooth. Any lumps and she gags and turns red and it is really quite a scene.
We had a wonderful visit from Grandma and Papa starting March 16 'til the 24. The kids would have been happy if Grandma and Papa had just announced they were staying here for good. The weather was fine and we were able to go to several parks and play in our backyard. We made it down to the city to wonder around and stop in a bookstore there so G & P could spoil the kids with lots of books. There were many highlights but I think what J, M and E loved the best was 1 - always having at least 1 adult to themselves at all times, 2 - listening to G&P read lots and lots of stories, 3 - playing games and taking walks with G&P. I should add that Joshie was thrilled to play Papa's iphone games at any chance he could get.
We are looking forward to Easter Sunday, eggs and candy. Today the kids made egg shaped sun catchers out of contact paper and tissue. The weather has been lovely so Joshie has been helping me to plant seeds. We will be dying eggs tomorrow and going to church and dinner at MeMaw's on Sunday. It will be a nice weekend and the girls have the sweetest dresses to wear for church :-)
We had a wonderful visit from Grandma and Papa starting March 16 'til the 24. The kids would have been happy if Grandma and Papa had just announced they were staying here for good. The weather was fine and we were able to go to several parks and play in our backyard. We made it down to the city to wonder around and stop in a bookstore there so G & P could spoil the kids with lots of books. There were many highlights but I think what J, M and E loved the best was 1 - always having at least 1 adult to themselves at all times, 2 - listening to G&P read lots and lots of stories, 3 - playing games and taking walks with G&P. I should add that Joshie was thrilled to play Papa's iphone games at any chance he could get.
We are looking forward to Easter Sunday, eggs and candy. Today the kids made egg shaped sun catchers out of contact paper and tissue. The weather has been lovely so Joshie has been helping me to plant seeds. We will be dying eggs tomorrow and going to church and dinner at MeMaw's on Sunday. It will be a nice weekend and the girls have the sweetest dresses to wear for church :-)
Friday, March 12, 2010
so many details
there is just so much that goes on in our every day activities. So many funny things that the kids say or little moments. And I know when they happen they are so wonderful and I will never remember them as much as I want to. Sometimes I wish I could just have a video of everything, every moment and phrase and milestone to enjoy when I can totally pay attention to it. But I guess then I would be missing what was going on at that moment if I was always looking at the past.
Here are the highlights:
I forgot to mention that Mira has a slight heart murmur. The dr. picked up on at at her exam last week and said it is most likely a child hood thing she will grown out of.
I cut her hair for the first time this week. She now has bangs. The rest is the same but hopefully this will keep her hair out of her eyes or as Mira says, 'No ya my eye'.
Mira says her own name now.
Evelyn sits well and plays with her toys. She reaches and rakes things into her area. You can just plop her down and she'll hang out in the straddle leg position for quite some time.
Joshua had parent-teacher conference today and the teachers were so excited with his progress. They said that in the last two months they have really seen a change with his classroom behavior and how he interacts with the other children. He has friends at school that he plays with and talks about. He is initiating play with those friends and it is all very exciting.
We are looking forward to Grandma and Papa coming into town next week and the kids are counting down the days.
Today we went shopping with a gift card to Toys R Us that Evelyn received when she was born. We had SO much fun. The kids didn't go crazy in the store and the whole trip went better than I had expected. There were things that I wanted/needed for Evie so I picked those out first and then I told Josh and Mira that they could also pick something for about $10. Mira picked out a kite and a Play Mobile princess set with a carrying case. Joshua picked a Lego Atlantis crab and a foam rocket launcher. Joshua found many, many things he wanted but was thrilled with is choices and couldn't wait to show daddy. Mira was very specific in her choices but when she saw what she wanted she latched on. It was neat to watch how they approached the situation differently.
I made cream of carrot soup tonight. All the kids ate it and liked it, including Evelyn whom I think had the most of any of them! She has tried lots of foods now including oatmeal, pears, bananas and rice cereal most recently.
Here are the highlights:
I forgot to mention that Mira has a slight heart murmur. The dr. picked up on at at her exam last week and said it is most likely a child hood thing she will grown out of.
I cut her hair for the first time this week. She now has bangs. The rest is the same but hopefully this will keep her hair out of her eyes or as Mira says, 'No ya my eye'.
Mira says her own name now.
Evelyn sits well and plays with her toys. She reaches and rakes things into her area. You can just plop her down and she'll hang out in the straddle leg position for quite some time.
Joshua had parent-teacher conference today and the teachers were so excited with his progress. They said that in the last two months they have really seen a change with his classroom behavior and how he interacts with the other children. He has friends at school that he plays with and talks about. He is initiating play with those friends and it is all very exciting.
We are looking forward to Grandma and Papa coming into town next week and the kids are counting down the days.
Today we went shopping with a gift card to Toys R Us that Evelyn received when she was born. We had SO much fun. The kids didn't go crazy in the store and the whole trip went better than I had expected. There were things that I wanted/needed for Evie so I picked those out first and then I told Josh and Mira that they could also pick something for about $10. Mira picked out a kite and a Play Mobile princess set with a carrying case. Joshua picked a Lego Atlantis crab and a foam rocket launcher. Joshua found many, many things he wanted but was thrilled with is choices and couldn't wait to show daddy. Mira was very specific in her choices but when she saw what she wanted she latched on. It was neat to watch how they approached the situation differently.
I made cream of carrot soup tonight. All the kids ate it and liked it, including Evelyn whom I think had the most of any of them! She has tried lots of foods now including oatmeal, pears, bananas and rice cereal most recently.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
2 yr and 6 mos check ups
Mira and Evelyn had dr.'s appointments today. Joshua did a good job of prepping Mira so she went into the office saying, 'No Shot!' Thankfully, she did not need any shots. The girls did great. Mira impressed the dr. with the drawing she brought along and climbing onto the exam table by using the drawer handles. Little monkey.
Evelyn now weighs 18 lbs 9 oz and is 26 3/4 inches long. She is in the 75th percentile for height and weight. Mira weighs 25 lbs and is 33 1/4 inches tall. She is in the 25th percentile for height and weight. Evelyn is right on the mark for her age and can sit well on her own and is so close to crawling. Mira, like Joshie, is off the charts. Her fine motor skills are that of a 3 year old as are her gross motor. She can count to two (count two objects) and knows the colors red, green, blue and orange. The picture though, that was her shining moment. The dr. said, 'You mean Joshua drew this.' I said, 'No, Mira.' She had no help, I just wrote her name and the date at the top.

What you are seeing is a smiling guy with head, eyes, nose, smiling mouth, ears, hair, arms, body, legs and feet.
Josh wowed the dr today with his knowledge of antibodies and t-cells. She said she hoped that we had their college funds well on their way.
Evelyn now weighs 18 lbs 9 oz and is 26 3/4 inches long. She is in the 75th percentile for height and weight. Mira weighs 25 lbs and is 33 1/4 inches tall. She is in the 25th percentile for height and weight. Evelyn is right on the mark for her age and can sit well on her own and is so close to crawling. Mira, like Joshie, is off the charts. Her fine motor skills are that of a 3 year old as are her gross motor. She can count to two (count two objects) and knows the colors red, green, blue and orange. The picture though, that was her shining moment. The dr. said, 'You mean Joshua drew this.' I said, 'No, Mira.' She had no help, I just wrote her name and the date at the top.
What you are seeing is a smiling guy with head, eyes, nose, smiling mouth, ears, hair, arms, body, legs and feet.
Josh wowed the dr today with his knowledge of antibodies and t-cells. She said she hoped that we had their college funds well on their way.
Monday, March 01, 2010
So much time
has been passing. It is hard to keep up with the updates. In spite of being stuck in the house for a good part of the month due to snow and snow related issues, it has been hard to find time to sit down at the computer and write updates. The kids have been loving the snow but I think I am done with it. The biggest problem is that in spite of the weather being warm enough to go outside, there is no where to go. The sidewalks are all blocked and the backyard is poopy from Jack. So spring can't come soon enough. Then it will be a swamp! Oh well, a warm swamp anyway.
Joshua had a dental check up earlier in the month. He has a cavity but given the difficulty he has at the dentist, we opted not to fill it at the recommendation of the dentist. We are just going to try and brush better and keep an eye on it.
Mira turned 2 on the 15th and we had family and neighbors over to celebrate. She had a Toby cake (as in Toby from Thomas the Tank Engine) and received some of her favorite things: goldfish crackers, animal crackers, books, crayons, pretty hair things, clothes, etc.
Evelyn has been flying through milestones. She has two teeth, sits well on her own and now gets up on all fours rocking away. I know that first crawl is right around the corner. She also says Ma ma ma. and Da da da. She eats much better now. I was getting concerned because she wasn't moving the food to the back of her mouth and getting her tongue out of the way but she is, as of today, and plows through applesauce, avacado, sweet potatoes, rice cereal and peaches.
All the kids had a cold this past weekend but are mostly on the mend. We are hoping to visit Memaw tomorrow and then go on a little road trip on Thursday to an Amish market and train place. I see daffodils poking their heads through the snow and the weather was in the 40's today. I think there is hope.
Joshua had a dental check up earlier in the month. He has a cavity but given the difficulty he has at the dentist, we opted not to fill it at the recommendation of the dentist. We are just going to try and brush better and keep an eye on it.
Mira turned 2 on the 15th and we had family and neighbors over to celebrate. She had a Toby cake (as in Toby from Thomas the Tank Engine) and received some of her favorite things: goldfish crackers, animal crackers, books, crayons, pretty hair things, clothes, etc.
Evelyn has been flying through milestones. She has two teeth, sits well on her own and now gets up on all fours rocking away. I know that first crawl is right around the corner. She also says Ma ma ma. and Da da da. She eats much better now. I was getting concerned because she wasn't moving the food to the back of her mouth and getting her tongue out of the way but she is, as of today, and plows through applesauce, avacado, sweet potatoes, rice cereal and peaches.
All the kids had a cold this past weekend but are mostly on the mend. We are hoping to visit Memaw tomorrow and then go on a little road trip on Thursday to an Amish market and train place. I see daffodils poking their heads through the snow and the weather was in the 40's today. I think there is hope.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
snow, snow, snow
We had 6 inches of snow (an trecherous roads) last Saturday. Another several inches on Wednesday and starting last night into today we have had a blizzard. A REAL one with high winds and 20+ inches of snow so far. It is still coming down. Jason and Joshie went for a walk with the dog last night just as the snow was starting. Jason and the kids went out to shovel and play this morning. Mira stuck to the cleared parts and dug with her shovel and pail. Joshua climbed snow castles and made snow castles with the shovel and pail. We are enjoying it since we have heat and no where to be.
Everyone is napping now. Evelyn has come into a routine of a short morning nap, a long afternoon nap and in bed for the night at 8. She sleeps through the night and is up with the Joshua and Mira around 7. Feeding is coming along. She is moving the food to the back of her mouth and swallowing so I think we are getting in more than is coming out. She has now also tried peaches, in addition to the sweet potatoes. I saved some from this summer since I knew she would be starting to eat in the dead of winter when all that would be available would be someone else's canned fruits and veggies.
Mira is so deliberate these days with her sentences. They may take a few seconds to come out but she carefully chooses each word and we can understand most of what she says. She has been adding at least a word a day now. Her hair is also long enough that it is getting in her eyes so she is letting me pull it up in a whale spout on top of her head or clip it back with a barrette.
Joshua has helped us set a meal time routine and it is working very well. I think he and Mira are both eating more and meals are much more pleasant. He knows the routine and it mimics what he does at school so it is familiar. He is currently on a wait list for the 4 yr old program at the community college for next year preschool. We abandoned the idea of kindergarten for him next year. The cut off is Sept 1 and by all accounts it is not worth pushing him through since his birthday is Oct. The expectations are that of what we learned in first grade and there is little playtime. Preschool has now replaced kindergarten. We are looking into the preschool program at the elementary school but it is unlikely he will be allowed. It is a need based program.
Everyone is napping now. Evelyn has come into a routine of a short morning nap, a long afternoon nap and in bed for the night at 8. She sleeps through the night and is up with the Joshua and Mira around 7. Feeding is coming along. She is moving the food to the back of her mouth and swallowing so I think we are getting in more than is coming out. She has now also tried peaches, in addition to the sweet potatoes. I saved some from this summer since I knew she would be starting to eat in the dead of winter when all that would be available would be someone else's canned fruits and veggies.
Mira is so deliberate these days with her sentences. They may take a few seconds to come out but she carefully chooses each word and we can understand most of what she says. She has been adding at least a word a day now. Her hair is also long enough that it is getting in her eyes so she is letting me pull it up in a whale spout on top of her head or clip it back with a barrette.
Joshua has helped us set a meal time routine and it is working very well. I think he and Mira are both eating more and meals are much more pleasant. He knows the routine and it mimics what he does at school so it is familiar. He is currently on a wait list for the 4 yr old program at the community college for next year preschool. We abandoned the idea of kindergarten for him next year. The cut off is Sept 1 and by all accounts it is not worth pushing him through since his birthday is Oct. The expectations are that of what we learned in first grade and there is little playtime. Preschool has now replaced kindergarten. We are looking into the preschool program at the elementary school but it is unlikely he will be allowed. It is a need based program.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Sweet Potatoes, Day 2
So, I think tonight went a little bit better in the feeding department. She gagged several times while trying to get the food down but she was moving it around in her mouth and trying to swallow. We got through the bowl I had prepared for her, about 1.5 Tablespoons. The kids were so excited to feed her but we are not quite there yet. Once she gets the hang of eating, then they can try their hand at it.
Today we had a fun playdate/brunch with friends from church. We also took some time to play outside. Everyone slept well last night and had a nap today. So, today has been good.
Mira has been going through most days in just panties, even when we are out. She wears a cloth diaper for naps and a paper diaper for bed. It is interesting, she makes it to the potty without fail if she has to poop. She kicks you out of the bathroom while she is going and insists that the door be shut. But, she can't be interrupted to go pee. So, we just set a timer and take her every hour. She did go to the bathroom today, grab the little potty, bring it into the kitchen and go. But that is the exception, not the rule. I can't complain too much. I really did not want 2 in diapers at the same time and for the most part I got my wish. We go through at most 1 disposable diaper a day.
On another Mira note, she is speaking in deliberate sentences now. She very carefully chooses her words such as, 'No light...off' and 'Daddy...wash...da-da (car)' She talks about everything: empty cups, trains, the cat, the dog, Joshua, milk, whatever. It is fun to listen to her budding language skills. Joshua likes to talk in Mira-ese, too. Only that is not so cute. It sure is hard being the big brother!
Today we had a fun playdate/brunch with friends from church. We also took some time to play outside. Everyone slept well last night and had a nap today. So, today has been good.
Mira has been going through most days in just panties, even when we are out. She wears a cloth diaper for naps and a paper diaper for bed. It is interesting, she makes it to the potty without fail if she has to poop. She kicks you out of the bathroom while she is going and insists that the door be shut. But, she can't be interrupted to go pee. So, we just set a timer and take her every hour. She did go to the bathroom today, grab the little potty, bring it into the kitchen and go. But that is the exception, not the rule. I can't complain too much. I really did not want 2 in diapers at the same time and for the most part I got my wish. We go through at most 1 disposable diaper a day.
On another Mira note, she is speaking in deliberate sentences now. She very carefully chooses her words such as, 'No light...off' and 'Daddy...wash...da-da (car)' She talks about everything: empty cups, trains, the cat, the dog, Joshua, milk, whatever. It is fun to listen to her budding language skills. Joshua likes to talk in Mira-ese, too. Only that is not so cute. It sure is hard being the big brother!
Friday, January 22, 2010
We took the kids swimming tonight. They had so much fun. A nice mid winter break. Mira loved the baby pool. She just splashed and ran around. Joshua went back and forth between the big pool and the baby pool. He loved that there were foam water noodles there. Evie even got in and sat, splashed and kicked. She loves bath time so I figured she would also love the pool and she did. I'll put the picks up on flickr soon.
We left for swimming at dinner time and got home at bed time. Needless to say that were pooped. Hope they sleep well tonight.
We left for swimming at dinner time and got home at bed time. Needless to say that were pooped. Hope they sleep well tonight.
forgotten stories
This week I learned the value of Bible stories. I always knew that many of the stories were allegorical. I just didn't realize that I could apply them so soon. Joshua loves to read about Jonah and the whale. Noah, too, is a favorite. And what do these men have in common? Ah, they listened to God. What happened when Jonah didn't listen? He was eaten by a fish. I went to town with that story citing the benefits of good listening and following directions the first time one is asked.
The second incident I would like to share happened on the why home from preschool on Wednesday. Joshua has been learning about dinosaurs in school. He looked out his window in the car and said, "I see a little dinosaur!" It didn't take long to realize that he was talking about the cloud shapes. He saw another and then asked, "Mommy, who put those dinosaurs in the clouds?" It was just the sweetest moment.
The second incident I would like to share happened on the why home from preschool on Wednesday. Joshua has been learning about dinosaurs in school. He looked out his window in the car and said, "I see a little dinosaur!" It didn't take long to realize that he was talking about the cloud shapes. He saw another and then asked, "Mommy, who put those dinosaurs in the clouds?" It was just the sweetest moment.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Off and running
Well, she's off! We started Evie Joy on sweet potato puree tonight as her first solid food. It went in, it came out. She made faces and mostly kept her little tongue poised so as not to allow any more of it to grace her pristine mouth. We, of course, video taped the whole thing. She did enjoy chewing on her spoons so in the end we allowed that and moved on to our own meal.
Since the temps have been above 20 for most days we have taken to afternoon adventures, mucking around in the backyard, exploring the plants that are setting out buds, walking, collecting pine cones, playing at the play ground. Joshua can now cross the monkey bars, unassisted, at break neck speed. Evie enjoys all these adventures perched on my back in the backpack carrier. Mira, grumpily, gets tucked into the stroller for the walks but otherwise, tags along bringing up the rear.
Today's adventure included pulling out my new gardening tools from Christmas to test them out. Now we are scheming of plants that we will start indoors in the next week or two. Joshua does enjoy gardening and likes to eat what he grows.
Since the temps have been above 20 for most days we have taken to afternoon adventures, mucking around in the backyard, exploring the plants that are setting out buds, walking, collecting pine cones, playing at the play ground. Joshua can now cross the monkey bars, unassisted, at break neck speed. Evie enjoys all these adventures perched on my back in the backpack carrier. Mira, grumpily, gets tucked into the stroller for the walks but otherwise, tags along bringing up the rear.
Today's adventure included pulling out my new gardening tools from Christmas to test them out. Now we are scheming of plants that we will start indoors in the next week or two. Joshua does enjoy gardening and likes to eat what he grows.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Day
Today was one of those rare perfect afternoons. The whole day, actually, was pretty good. It started off well with the children getting up around 7. It is always a good day when I can get dressed before we head downstairs for breakfast and today I did. There were several chores that I needed to complete and I was able to, even with the kids 'helping'. Before lunch we drove to the dairy for groceries. It was already very nice weather out so the children ran a bit in the field outside the dairy and were relatively well behaved inside. Aside from meat and milk we picked up a quart of our favorite ice cream, 'dirt'. At lunch Joshua and Mira both ate well: meatballs, quinoa, brocolli and ice cream for dessert. Naps, were... naps... but we moved on and after the quiet time we spent the rest of the day outside exploring the backyard, running races and then taking a walk around the nearest streets in our neighborhood. We came in and washed the mud off with baths and pj's and now it is time to get ready to make dinner. The sun has almost set. I am not making dinner yet because I fear the nightly screaming battle that usually ensues when I turn on the stove just letting this moment linger a little while longer.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
just going along...
The days are going by. Interesting things happen but with three now, it is hard to keep up with just the daily tasks let alone sit down and write about them. We celebrated again last Sunday with Grandma for her 90th birthday and this Saturday we warmed Amy and Omar's new house. The children love all the time spent playing with their cousins and it makes our lives easier when they are worn out from all that play time!
Mira had the thrilling experience of tumbling down the stairs. It must be a rite of passage that all children (with homes that have stairs) must experience. She was looking for me and I was downstairs washing dishes while Jason was busy putting Joshua to bed. As best we can tell, she tripped on her blankie and tumbled down the entire flight. She banged up many body parts and we looked her over carefully. We checked on her throughout the night but miraculously she didn't have a bruise on her little body come morning.
Thursday, Jill and I took the kids up to an organic Amish bulk food store in Pennsylvania and stocked up on all sorts of yummy things. Mira is currently nibbling on the dried figs we bought and the quinoa is going to be enjoyed tonight with our chicken. After reading both "Ominvores Dilemma" and "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle", I am convince we need to change the way we eat and that there are LOTS more yummy things out there to enjoy that we are missing out on!!!
The boys are back from ice skating, gotta go!
Mira had the thrilling experience of tumbling down the stairs. It must be a rite of passage that all children (with homes that have stairs) must experience. She was looking for me and I was downstairs washing dishes while Jason was busy putting Joshua to bed. As best we can tell, she tripped on her blankie and tumbled down the entire flight. She banged up many body parts and we looked her over carefully. We checked on her throughout the night but miraculously she didn't have a bruise on her little body come morning.
Thursday, Jill and I took the kids up to an organic Amish bulk food store in Pennsylvania and stocked up on all sorts of yummy things. Mira is currently nibbling on the dried figs we bought and the quinoa is going to be enjoyed tonight with our chicken. After reading both "Ominvores Dilemma" and "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle", I am convince we need to change the way we eat and that there are LOTS more yummy things out there to enjoy that we are missing out on!!!
The boys are back from ice skating, gotta go!
Monday, January 04, 2010
The big snow, Christmas, Ohio and New Years
At 11 pm when Jason and I went to bed on Friday, December 18 you could just barely see the snow flakes swirling around the lamp posts. There was nothing sticking to the ground and only rumors of the inches of snow yet to come. When we awoke on Saturday morning, there was already 4-6 inches on the ground. The snow kept falling through the day and night and next morning until we eventually had nearly 2 feet of it. By lunchtime on Saturday Joshua and Mira had already been outside 3 times to play. They helped me shovel, went sledding and tried to walk in the ever deepening snow. The idea of leaving our little corner of the world was laughable but thankfully we had no where to go and could just enjoy the beautiful swirling flakes. Saturday night was our neighborhood Christmas party, which ended up being a huge success thanks in large part to the snow keeping everyone home on our street. There was plenty of food and drink and the children played and watched movies. We had a gift exchange like the one at the big family Christmas party.
Sunday brought more snow play and shoveling as did Monday. It was nice to just bundle Joshua up and let him romp around out in the backyard. Everything is more fun when there is snow and I was even able to get out to sled with the kids a few times. Monday and Tuesday schools were closed and the last day before Christmas break was a two late entry. The snow stuck around until nasty rain on Christmas day washed all of it away.
On Wednesday, we enjoyed the Christmas lights in the neighborhood after sharing a meal and presents with the Andreens. It has been a long time since we all got together and so since to have the children playing. Jason and I were up late wrapping as many gifts as we could but did not finish and ran out of paper.
Thursday, Jason came home early from work and we went to the Carpenters for a lovely Christmas Eve dinner. There was still much wrapping to do and other Christmas preparations. We had a letter and cookies to leave for Santa and our tradition of reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' to complete. I made the banana bread and Jason wrapped and we made it to bed before midnight.
Santa arrived sometime in the night and Christmas morning the tree was wrapped in gifts and our stockings were filled. Joshua and Mira were so excited. Mira emptied her stocking and then proceded to eat a breakfast of M&M's. Joshua emptied his stocking and played with a wind up airplane while I prepared our Christmas morning breakfast of toast, eggs and bacon. We all had a good breakfast before getting Grandma and Papa on the computer to share in opening gifts. Joshua received a robot from Santa that stayed by his side through Christmas and sat next to him on our drive to Ohio. Mira received a tea set from Santa and continuously poured Jason cups of tea. Evelyn received a see and say toy that she and Mira shared playing with. There was so much to open and the children were thoughtful in doing so. They wanted each gift opened, batteries inserted and played with before moving on to the next item. After finishing up with all the presents, we got dressed and headed out to Memaw and Grandad's for the rest of the day.
We arrived close to 2 and had a late lunch. Aunt Carie stopped for a few minutes soon after we got there and my friend Lisa came over later. Godfather was there for a while during the day and evening as well. After getting a little food in our bellies we started the gift opening again this time with the whole gang: Memaw, Grandad, Nanny, Aunt Jill, Tia Amy, Tio Omar, Dylan, Stephanie and Noella. There were SOOOOO many presents.
We had a nice Christmas dinner after the presents but Mira was just plain pooped by then and went to sleep. We all stayed over at Memaw and Grandads so that we could just relax and enjoy before heading home on Saturday.
We visited with Godfather's and Aunt Carie's parents on Saturday morning with the children. The rest of the day was spent unpacking and then repacking so that we could leave on Sunday morning to go to Ohio.
We were off and running by 9:30 Sunday morning and met with Memaw, Grandad and Aunt Jill in Somerset to continue the ride to Aunt Margaret's house. We only had to stop once to feed Evelyn and that was at a potty stop. Joshua, Mira and Evelyn all did great on the ride out. The only minor issue we had was when Mira begged to go poop on a mountain road with only emergency pull offs. We took one and then she didn't go. But she did end up going in her diaper moments before we reached Aunt Margaret's house. We had to open all the windows in the car to breathe. We stayed with Jeanne and Dave that night. They have a dog, Titus, who is not used to little children. He did ok with Josh and Mira but though that E was a tasty treat so we had to be very careful. It didn't even matter that we were holding her. The kids did great meeting all sorts of 'new' people. Joshua only flipped out a little bit when Aunt Margaret picked him up for a big hug and within two hours of any new stop, Mira warmed up to our hosts.
The next day, Monday, we visited with Aunt Janet & Uncle Bob. It started to snow the night before while we were eating dinner at Aunt Margarets and we still snowing Monday. That made for some interesting driving but we got where we were going and we see these friends and family so infrequently that we braved the weather anyway.
Tuesday we left Jeanne and Dave's for my godmother, Susan's, house on the way to Aunt Beth and Uncle Ray's. The last time I saw Susan we had no children and now we have 3! Mira came down with a fever on Monday and Tuesday but was feeling better by the time we made it to Aunt Beth's. Sleeping was difficult wherever we went. Josh and E seemed to be ok but Mira just has a hard time traveling and didn't want to sleep in these new places. She was up most nights every hour.
Janet and Matthew and Bill joined us at their parent's house Tuesday for dinner and visiting. Joshua LOVED having Matthew, 8, as a playmate. From the moment he woke up on Wednesday he started asking for him again. The kids all warmed to Aunt Beth and Uncle Ray quickly which made for nice visiting. Wednesday the kids played in the snow, played in the house and played and played and played. We opened gifts in the evening and let Josh stay up late with Matthew. It felt just like Christmases past.
Just before we left Mira decided to feed Uncle Ray's fish with the lid to the food can on full open just dumping the stuff in there. They were able to clean up that mess fairly easily, so they say. We got off by 10:30 am but it was a long drive home. We were all tired. Aunt Betty and Uncle George were actually on the same road as us, just a little ahead, coming from Indiana for Grandma's 90th birthday party so we met them in my parent's town for dinner. It was a good stopping point since Mira and Evie were both screaming and tired of being in the car. We had dinner with the gang at Panera and then made our way out to our house. We got home around 8:30. The kids went right to bed and then our friend Richard came over to celebrate New Years with beer, pina coladas, a bad game of Scrabble and the movie Underworld 2. We were ALL ready for bed as soon as the ball dropped.
New Year's day the little ones slept in and we made a family trip to Target. I think we spent more in that one trip than a majority of the Christmas shopping and it was all on batteries. We invested heavily in rechargeables and a charger to power all the new toys.
Saturday it was Christmas again as we picked up a box from Grandma and Papa and enjoyed opening the gifts with them on the computer. Saturday,after nap, we headed out to Eldersburg again for Grandma's birthday party. Aunt Betty, Uncle George and Aunt Jo were in town for the event and it was a nice evening. We are having another party for her this Sunday. Her actual birthday is Jan 11.
The days have been lazy and the kids are sleeping it. It is so nice to have Jason home. We just play games, do a little house work, run the required errands and there is no work or school or anything else to interfere. I could live like this. Ok so I wouldn't be able to put food on the table but it is nice!!
Evelyn is going through withdraw from having so many people hold her all the time. I suppose she is getting over it but she really was in her glory just being passed from adoring holder, to adoring holder. Mira is back on her sleep schedule and has been sleeping very hard since we got home. Joshua is himself just somehow sassier. He as acquired a glare and some talking back that are new and he knows just what he is doing.
We had a fun game of Memory tonight with Joshua and he would have cleaned house I think if the cards had been in rows.
Sunday brought more snow play and shoveling as did Monday. It was nice to just bundle Joshua up and let him romp around out in the backyard. Everything is more fun when there is snow and I was even able to get out to sled with the kids a few times. Monday and Tuesday schools were closed and the last day before Christmas break was a two late entry. The snow stuck around until nasty rain on Christmas day washed all of it away.
On Wednesday, we enjoyed the Christmas lights in the neighborhood after sharing a meal and presents with the Andreens. It has been a long time since we all got together and so since to have the children playing. Jason and I were up late wrapping as many gifts as we could but did not finish and ran out of paper.
Thursday, Jason came home early from work and we went to the Carpenters for a lovely Christmas Eve dinner. There was still much wrapping to do and other Christmas preparations. We had a letter and cookies to leave for Santa and our tradition of reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas' to complete. I made the banana bread and Jason wrapped and we made it to bed before midnight.
Santa arrived sometime in the night and Christmas morning the tree was wrapped in gifts and our stockings were filled. Joshua and Mira were so excited. Mira emptied her stocking and then proceded to eat a breakfast of M&M's. Joshua emptied his stocking and played with a wind up airplane while I prepared our Christmas morning breakfast of toast, eggs and bacon. We all had a good breakfast before getting Grandma and Papa on the computer to share in opening gifts. Joshua received a robot from Santa that stayed by his side through Christmas and sat next to him on our drive to Ohio. Mira received a tea set from Santa and continuously poured Jason cups of tea. Evelyn received a see and say toy that she and Mira shared playing with. There was so much to open and the children were thoughtful in doing so. They wanted each gift opened, batteries inserted and played with before moving on to the next item. After finishing up with all the presents, we got dressed and headed out to Memaw and Grandad's for the rest of the day.
We arrived close to 2 and had a late lunch. Aunt Carie stopped for a few minutes soon after we got there and my friend Lisa came over later. Godfather was there for a while during the day and evening as well. After getting a little food in our bellies we started the gift opening again this time with the whole gang: Memaw, Grandad, Nanny, Aunt Jill, Tia Amy, Tio Omar, Dylan, Stephanie and Noella. There were SOOOOO many presents.
We had a nice Christmas dinner after the presents but Mira was just plain pooped by then and went to sleep. We all stayed over at Memaw and Grandads so that we could just relax and enjoy before heading home on Saturday.
We visited with Godfather's and Aunt Carie's parents on Saturday morning with the children. The rest of the day was spent unpacking and then repacking so that we could leave on Sunday morning to go to Ohio.
We were off and running by 9:30 Sunday morning and met with Memaw, Grandad and Aunt Jill in Somerset to continue the ride to Aunt Margaret's house. We only had to stop once to feed Evelyn and that was at a potty stop. Joshua, Mira and Evelyn all did great on the ride out. The only minor issue we had was when Mira begged to go poop on a mountain road with only emergency pull offs. We took one and then she didn't go. But she did end up going in her diaper moments before we reached Aunt Margaret's house. We had to open all the windows in the car to breathe. We stayed with Jeanne and Dave that night. They have a dog, Titus, who is not used to little children. He did ok with Josh and Mira but though that E was a tasty treat so we had to be very careful. It didn't even matter that we were holding her. The kids did great meeting all sorts of 'new' people. Joshua only flipped out a little bit when Aunt Margaret picked him up for a big hug and within two hours of any new stop, Mira warmed up to our hosts.
The next day, Monday, we visited with Aunt Janet & Uncle Bob. It started to snow the night before while we were eating dinner at Aunt Margarets and we still snowing Monday. That made for some interesting driving but we got where we were going and we see these friends and family so infrequently that we braved the weather anyway.
Tuesday we left Jeanne and Dave's for my godmother, Susan's, house on the way to Aunt Beth and Uncle Ray's. The last time I saw Susan we had no children and now we have 3! Mira came down with a fever on Monday and Tuesday but was feeling better by the time we made it to Aunt Beth's. Sleeping was difficult wherever we went. Josh and E seemed to be ok but Mira just has a hard time traveling and didn't want to sleep in these new places. She was up most nights every hour.
Janet and Matthew and Bill joined us at their parent's house Tuesday for dinner and visiting. Joshua LOVED having Matthew, 8, as a playmate. From the moment he woke up on Wednesday he started asking for him again. The kids all warmed to Aunt Beth and Uncle Ray quickly which made for nice visiting. Wednesday the kids played in the snow, played in the house and played and played and played. We opened gifts in the evening and let Josh stay up late with Matthew. It felt just like Christmases past.
Just before we left Mira decided to feed Uncle Ray's fish with the lid to the food can on full open just dumping the stuff in there. They were able to clean up that mess fairly easily, so they say. We got off by 10:30 am but it was a long drive home. We were all tired. Aunt Betty and Uncle George were actually on the same road as us, just a little ahead, coming from Indiana for Grandma's 90th birthday party so we met them in my parent's town for dinner. It was a good stopping point since Mira and Evie were both screaming and tired of being in the car. We had dinner with the gang at Panera and then made our way out to our house. We got home around 8:30. The kids went right to bed and then our friend Richard came over to celebrate New Years with beer, pina coladas, a bad game of Scrabble and the movie Underworld 2. We were ALL ready for bed as soon as the ball dropped.
New Year's day the little ones slept in and we made a family trip to Target. I think we spent more in that one trip than a majority of the Christmas shopping and it was all on batteries. We invested heavily in rechargeables and a charger to power all the new toys.
Saturday it was Christmas again as we picked up a box from Grandma and Papa and enjoyed opening the gifts with them on the computer. Saturday,after nap, we headed out to Eldersburg again for Grandma's birthday party. Aunt Betty, Uncle George and Aunt Jo were in town for the event and it was a nice evening. We are having another party for her this Sunday. Her actual birthday is Jan 11.
The days have been lazy and the kids are sleeping it. It is so nice to have Jason home. We just play games, do a little house work, run the required errands and there is no work or school or anything else to interfere. I could live like this. Ok so I wouldn't be able to put food on the table but it is nice!!
Evelyn is going through withdraw from having so many people hold her all the time. I suppose she is getting over it but she really was in her glory just being passed from adoring holder, to adoring holder. Mira is back on her sleep schedule and has been sleeping very hard since we got home. Joshua is himself just somehow sassier. He as acquired a glare and some talking back that are new and he knows just what he is doing.
We had a fun game of Memory tonight with Joshua and he would have cleaned house I think if the cards had been in rows.
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