Monday, May 31, 2010

Out for a Swim

The weather has been hot and we had a long weekend so guess what we did all weeekend? Swam, ate, napped and stayed cool. Evelyn went swimming once already but we got her feet in on Saturday and then a lot more of her in today. She didn't like it. :-) But that is ok. We'll keep working on her. Joshua just jumped right in on Saturday even though the water was cool. We had my friend from high school and her two little ones over. Before the pool came a hike in the woods and after the pool came more swimming and crabs at our neighbor's. We've been wearing the kids out. It's great. You'd think they would sleep longer but

Yesterday we all went to Target as a family so that Joshua could pick out a Bakugan he has been wanting. He saved all his pennies from last year in hopes of buying a water slide. But, then this past week he decided he wanted a Bakugan instead. He was so excited to use his own money to buy it. After that, Jason took the kids to another neighbor's to swim and eat, I joined them after my tour of duty at our community pool.

Today, we went to the community pool and are now fixing another bbq dinner and homemade ice cream, of course. Mira was in and out of the pool. She just needs a few days and I bet she will be jumping in the water.

Evelyn started eating with a fork today. I'd put the food on it and she'd put it in her mouth. She also got another tooth on the top. She had a fever this week but that cleared up. Thank goodness!

Better get going to the party!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Sounds like a wonderfully beautiful busy weekend.