I was skeptical. I figured that Josh would go to the recital but not play. He is so shy about being in front of people that I just wasn't planning to push this issue. But he attended the piano master class and concert prep on Saturday and he played, albeit hesitantly, but he did it. So, today we got him ready. He was excited. All day he asked when it would be time to go. When I asked him last night how he would feel walking up to the piano, he said, "Brave." When I asked him today he said, "Good."

We had to stop at Target for 'dress shoes' before heading to the church where the recital would be performed. We had plenty of time. Evelyn, we dropped off to a friend on the way over. Mira came along and was very well behaved. We even picked up a great hat when we got the shoes.

As soon as we arrived, Josh was asked to sit with his classmates. He started to hesitate and so I excused myself to the 'bathroom' with Mira. Once it was Josh, Mrs. Yeakel and Daddy he went along and sat up front without a problem. He behaved very well and once the concert started, he was the first to play.

I never thought that 'Yankee Doodle' would bring tears to my eyes but it did. To see him, so small sitting at that baby grand piano; To know just what effort he had to put forth and the anxiety he overcame to sit there in front of all those people; To understand that this step of performing in front of people could open other doors for him; made the moment so much sweeter.

After his piece, the rest of the students played in turn including a graduating senior as the last performer. It was a lovely concert. We enjoyed cookies and other snacks afterwards and Josh hung out with his friends Yana and Val.
Bella Notte.
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