Evelyn had a good 2 week checkup today. She weighed 10 lb 10 oz and was 22" long. That is two pounds in two weeks! She is trying to keep up with Joshua and is so far being successful :-) She had a pku test and a general 'looking over' and everything looks good.
Joshua and Mira enjoyed Memaw and Grandad's company these past three days. They were out to help and they did a great job of it! Memaw even took Joshua ice skating today and I think both of them had a great time. The kids got lots of outside play time and went to the park a couple of times, too. Jason and I went to Joshua's back to school night on Tuesday and he will start back at pre-school on Wednesday of next week. He is very excited.
Mira has decided she can get out of bed whenever she wants to on her own now. So, last night at 4am she came into our room, that was a bit of a surprise. The kids were all terrible sleepers last night and it seemed like we had a full moon or something! But, we are hoping for a better night tonight.
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