Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It's A Girl!

Evelyn Joy arrived on Monday night at 10:43pm. She weighed 9 lbs 2 oz at delivery and was 21.25" long, surprising EVERYONE! My last belly measurement put her at 36 weeks, they estimated she was 38 weeks 5 days based on my 'due date' so she was hiding in there very well! Eva is doing well now but a little mucousy from the quick delivery.

My water broke at 7:15 pm Sunday evening while putting Mira to bed after a big storm. Since Josh & Mira both came quickly after my water broke we rushed off to the hospital. But, since nothing started happening (no contractions) we didn't actually go in the hospital but opted to stay nearby at a hotel, just in case. The hospital is 40 min from our home. Monday morning we saw our OB and he determined since the amniotic fluid levels were low it was time to deliver, he met us at the hospital at noon. At 1ish he applied a cream to help start labor, it worked only it was slow at by 8pm I was still only 3 cm and 75% effaced. At 9:30 he broke my water, AGAIN, and things really picked up. I labored for another hour with contractions that intensified with each subsequent one. By 10:30 I thought I couldn't do it anymore the pain was out of this world but only 3 more contractions and I was able to push. It took about 3 pushes to get her out and then at 10:43pm she was here!

We are so thrilled that she has arrived to complete our family. Joshua and Mira met her yesterday and are doing great so far. Memaw and Grandad and Aunt Jill were at our home watching over them.

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