Monday, October 17, 2011

The Daily - Resuscitated

When Jason originally created this blog it was to track Joshua's adventures on a day to day basis.  We planned to post a picture every day but that habit quickly fell to the wayside. I am hoping to resuscitate it.  The picture may not be from the exact day but I hope it is close and I will write some of the wonderful things the children did that day.  It is my hope that this little project will be self-serving, to remind me of the wonders of my children, even when they frustrate the heck out of me!

So this photo was from Jill and Chris' recent wedding reception.  Evelyn gathered a large amount of spoons, a cup of water and pulled up a chair at an empty table.  She entertained herself for quite a long time with her little set up.

Today, Mira had us all laughing with her dinnertime prayer.  She said, in her long drawn out sing-songy way, "Thank you for the food.  I like food and sausage.  But not spicy sausage.  It spices my brains out...."

Josh was home sick today but did do a little bit of school work.  Every day his reading improves and the two pages he did out of his workbook took him no time at all.

Evelyn exclaimed as we drove past the bank that she had seen, "The lollipop store!"  I do use this leverage to my advantage as much as possible.  She also is a great snuggler and twice today I read books to the girls with both of them curled up by my sides.

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