Mira's Field Trip 10 21 11 |
My little snugglers were in bed with me again this morning. Mira came in sometime in the night, Joshua came in when it was time to wake up. It was a good thing, too, since I didn't set my alarm clock and crew of men were scheduled to arrive 8 minutes later!
Joshua is super excited about the emminent arrival of his Halloween costume. I hope it is all that he is dreaming it will be. He came home today ready to go! Thank goodness we were able to get him outside to play and then head over to Chick-Fil-A to release some of that pent up energy. He read "Thomas and the Jet Engine" for his reading time tonight. His reading just keeps getting better and better. He was also busy writing numbers this evening 0-100 by tens and then a few big numbers 7000768 and 1100800.
On the Hay Ride 10 21 11 |
Evelyn picked up on another very adult phrase today and while we were out to dinner she told Memaw, "I said 'No!'" I wonder where she got THAT from. She and Mira were very well behaved this morning while I primed the kitchen they watched tv shows. Mira is such a great helper though. She really wanted to paint with me. Painting wasn't an option but she did help me wash the dishes and fold clothes. Then she and Evie played dolls for a while. I love to see them play together.
Joshua tolerated family hugs before school today while waiting at the bus stop. I know they really love each other even if they don't always show it!
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