Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mira has been my sleeping partner and my early bird getting up with me in the morning.  In fact, she stays in bed until I stir and then I hear, 'Mommy, I want to go downstaaz.  So this morning, because our character trait of the week is 'Be Thankful', I got her set up coloring pictures to finish the phrase: "I am thankful for..." Before Josh even awoke she was finished with three pages. The first two were bear and good food to eat.  Josh drew a picture of a sub and said, "I am thankful for the people on the sub who can't come home for Christmas." 

Evie slept for the first time last night without a diaper and stayed dry.  She is 2 years and 3 mos exactly, today.  She just has to do everything her big brother and sister do!

We've been sorting out clothes and today I worked on the girls clothes.  We have been so blessed with an abundance of hand me downs and gifts.  But it is to the point that even with sorting out the clothes that no longer fit and aren't in season, I couldn't shut the drawers and there was no room in the closet.  But Josh and the girls have been so great!  I am very proud of them for making decisions on clothes to keep.  We are sharing the excess with other friends and family that have little ones coming up into the sizes my kids are now.  For the girls I pared down to ten turtle necks, 10 long sleeved shirts, 10 t-shirts, 4 sleepers, 6 other pj's, 5 zip up hoodies, 10 sweaters, a BUNCH of pants, dresses, socks and undies.  Still seems like a whole lot of clothes when I write it out like that...

Joshua had a green day at school and was excited about the science lab.  He readily ate all his dinner and drew a cool picture when Staci was here babysitting tonight.  Can't wait to go out to pizza hut with him for his BookIt reward!

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