There have been moments the past two days that have just made my heart feel light. Mira, on the way to pick tile in Delaware with Jason, started singing. It was just a Mira song but the words I could catch talked about the sunlight reflecting on the river. That's my girl! She asked, on that same trip, why the sun made the water on the window turn to gold. Oh I love these moments! She really has been a helpful well behaved little girl recently. We've been using (as of last night at 7pm) the book "
Mining for Gold in the Heart of your Child" and talking about being helpful and she has earned enough 'gold nuggets' to have 3 pieces of candy (3 nuggets each) and one tv show (5 nuggets).

Mira and Evie were both so well behaved yesterday while Jason and I were shopping for tile. It was nice to be able to focus and they just did a great job. Evie tonight just snuggled up on my lap when we were watching 'Gnomeo and Juliet' which is a pretty good movie. I love that she is still my baby.
I truly enjoy spending time with Josh reading. Over the past couple of days because of Halloween and some behavior issues we did not have time to read together. We did it tonight though and it was really nice. I will talk to his teacher tomorrow for parent/teacher conferences. I look forward to hearing about his school day. He always comes home happy and excited to have been at school.

Mira quote of the day, "Mom, a long time ago did we go on vacation with Grandma and Papa and take our toothbrushes and toothpaste?"

Second favorite moment for Mira today was in arriving at school and having all her friends calling out to her, 'Mira, come on and play with us!" And Mira said, 'Not right now, I am busy doing sumpting.' She was really popular!
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