Mira 11/30/11, fell asleep 10 min before we needed to leave |
Sweet, funny, happy moment just enjoying Mira's dimples today. We were playing with her dolls as we usually do at naptime. Batman is now part of the princess mix and I usually have the honor of playing him. In any case, Batman did something that was not part of Mira's 'story' that she had in her head and Mira said something to the effect of, "Mom, Batman doesn't do.." So, I had Batman reply, "I do to do..., Mira." and she looked at me with this silly grin, as if to say, "Mom, Batman just talked to me!" It was hilarious to watch the line of how her toys function get crossed in her brain.

I work in the morning sometimes and today was one of those days trying to catch up from not being home yesterday evening and this morning. But after the work time I had an hour of just one on one time with my girls. So, instead of just doing my chores I had the girls help me because they LOVE to help. So in that hour we made yogurt and coleslaw. It was great. They were so excited to make yogurt and even ate a bowl of coleslaw when we were done just because they had made it. Mira and Evelyn both said the coleslaw tasted great but I am not sure if I believe them :-)
I hope when the kids are grown they will remember cooking with mommy and how fun it was.
Today when Josh got off the bus he was moving slow. Not his usual run like a madman for the house routine. I imagine he was exhausted from a long day of school after a late night last night and early morning with car ride today. But he looked up, saw me on the porch waiting, got a big goofy grin and ran like a madman home.
Even though the weather was cool today Evie, Mira and Josh all wanted to go outside and play. Evie loves to swing. Josh and Mira swung on the tire swing together and at times they all three were running around the yard screaming like banshees. But they were outside and loving it.
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