Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday, December 13

I spent the night with Evelyn.  I don't like being awoken to a crying baby but I do so love the quiet night time cuddling.  We slept well together.

Pancakes for breakfast and lots of, 'Aren't these the best pancakes?' from Joshua.  He was using fabulous manners this morning.  Gotta love that!

The children are continuing to love tea time.  We're ready for Britain! Our tea time is such a nice time to slow down and I remind the kids of their 'tea time manners' so we practice sitting still, enjoying our food and being polite in just a little kid sized amount of time.

I took the girls for LOTS of errands.  They did well staying close and picked a treat of dark chocolate covered dried plums :-) for their reward.  They received lollipops at the bank and balloons at the florist.  Happy girls all around!

When Josh came home we regrouped (tea time again!) and he shared about his day then we went outside to play and run around.  Josh was my helper when it was dinner time he volunteered to vacuum and wash dishes and the girls played.  Even though dinner was different than usual, wilted collard greens with black eyed peas & bacon, Mira and Josh ate it all up and had extra bacon and corn bread to go with it.  Popeye would be proud.  After dinner we cleaned up and made dog treats for Jack.  He was on our list of gifts we could give that we could make ourselves.

We read stories all together piled in Evelyn's bed.  I've been enjoying reading Christmas books to the kids at nap and bed time.  I only bring them out in December.   When it was time to go to sleep Josh and Mira were out first and then Evie but they were all tired and went to bed easily.

Photos are on my cell phone and probably downloaded to the network drive but for some reason it is not showing up for me to connect to.  So, I'll have to share them tomorrow.

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