Tuesday, October 20, 2009

4 yr checkup & 18 mos checkup (a little late!)

Joshua, Mira, Evelyn, Aunt Jill and I ventured out to the dr.'s office again for well baby checkups today. We had the first appointment of the day and we made it to the office on time (a miracle!). Joshua did so well today. We have had lots of problems in the past with him even being weighed and when the dr. would go to look at him he would literally flip out. But today he was weighed (38 lbs) and measured (43.25 inches). He was in the 75% on weight and 95% on height. Tall and skinny! The nurse backed off after attempting to get his blood pressure and sensing the tension rising. Mira weighed in at 22 lb 3 oz and 31.25" tall. She is in the 25th percentile for height and weight.

We had the dr. examine Mira first and talk about what is going on with the kids. Mira loves to be examined and didn't want to give up the stethoscope after it was all done. Aunt Jill took her and Evelyn out to wait for Joshua's exam. He did ok with the dr. looking at his body but the exam of his ears, eyes and mouth sent him over the edge. We did his shots (3 of them and a nose spray) and he was done. The poor little guy was very upset but honestly he did so much better than last year. It was just hard to hold him because he is bigger and much stronger than last year. We sent him out and brought Mira back in for her shots. She was a trooper (4 shots!!) and then we were done.

After all that, we took the kids to Baskin Robbins for ice cream to help them forget their shots and to help mommy bring her blood pressure back to human levels. It was only 10 am but we all needed it! Then we played outside, had lunch and took naps. Joshua didn't even argue. I think we wore him out. They all took good naps and I wish I could have had one, too but the plumber came today to checkout our broken toilets. Oh well. Joshua was achy after nap so we just relaxed and watched a movie then played more outside when Daddy came home.

It was a good but tiring day. Tomorrow is a field trip to the orchard with tractor ride and pumpkin picking, apple cider and other fun stuff. Should be a great day especially if we have weather like today! Happy fall!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

2 mos. check up

Evelyn had her two month check up today and was off the chart for height and weight at 14.4 lb and 24.5 inches. I'll have to go back and see how she compares to Joshua. She may still be bigger. Everything else looks great and E will see the dr. again in two months. The kids go next week for 4 yr check up and 18 mos check up (a little off) and to get their flu shots.

Today is a nice rainy fall day. We are enjoying top your own waffles for lunch. Josh had pb and j, Mira had strawberries. There are lots of things I love to do on rainy fall days, most of them involve snuggling up under a blanket: reading a book, watching a movie, listening to the rain, sleeping in, cuddling with Jason. Unfortunately, it will still be several years before the kids can sit still long enough for these activities. But, we did have fun playing in the play room this morning and maybe this afternoon we will break out the tent and read books inside for a while after we pick up our veggies.

Tomorrow is a school day and then the clan is descending upon the house at night. We are going to have a great weekend with Stephanie, Noella and Dylan while the adults are up in CT. I can't wait! It will be our first sleep over with the girls and the first time I have gotten them all to myself. Yippee!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Joshua!

Joshie turned 4 yesterday. He had cupcakes with his classmates on Wednesday at preschool and then yesterday the fire department came. The kids talked to the firemen and got to climb on the truck. Everyone came home with a hat.

Memaw and Grandad took Joshua to the resturaunt of his choice (Subway) and then it was home for naps. We had a family dinner together (chicken nuggets, noodles, fries, whole raw carrots, corn on the cob) and then the Andreens and Carpenters came by for cake and presents. It was a fun filled, Joshua centered day. The kids went to bed late and were very excited.

Saturday we played with all the new toys in the morning and then went to Memaw and Grandad's in the evening to play and see Aunt Amy's Gang and Nanny. Another great day!

Evelyn is really holding her head up now, looking around, batting at things, smiling and talking. I LOVE this age!

Mira, when she is tired, really knows how to throw a tantrum. She falls to the ground, kicks and flails her arms. It is fun to watch :-D Now, we get to enjoy this until she is 4. Joy, joy!