Saturday, January 31, 2009

11 weeks down

I haven't journalled much of this pregnancy. I guess the idea is the less I count the days the faster they will go and the sooner I will be out of this yucky stage. The days have been long. I am exhausted all the time and generally nauseated. But I have not thrown up. I just have to eat constantly whether I feel like it or not and that keeps the major sick feelings at bay. I hope that by next week it will start to fade.

I am definitely gaining weight (whether water, bloating or otherwise!) my belly is getting chubby less where the baby is growing than I think where the food is going. Mira's pediatrician suggested weighing myself on an accurate scale once a week to be sure that I continue to gain consistently since there are 3 of us relying on my body right now! So rather than invest in an expensive scale I think I will just see if my primary care physician will let me us his once a week.

I tried a new endocrinologist this past week. My thyroid numbers are high right now but she changed my medication to bring them down. She seems like a good fit so far and I like that she doesn't need me to come in to the office just to review bloodwork, the office is in town (not 30 min away) and she seemed to hear what I was saying & asking. So hopefully this will go well.

So, we are in the third month and almost to the end of the first trimester. I am looking forward to the fun parts of pregnancy: growing belly, feeling great and duh the BABY in the end. I have to remind myself that there really isn't anything we need to be doing right now. We don't need clothes or a room or any baby things this time around so it is just 'business as usual' for a while. Oh and by the way I am pretty sure I have felt a 'flutter' or two :-)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sleep Happens

Last night Mira slept from 7:30pm-5:00 am without waking up! I of course was up all night worried that she wasn't waking up but I really could get used to this! I hope it is a trend. I've been waiting for her to start sleeping through the night.

Joshua seems to be doing well with 'Love and Logic' and so are we. I think he likes having choices and realizes that things happen because of his actions. It has been a learning experience for all of us but I believe we are on to something here. Certainly, I am in a better mood at the end of the day and that makes everyone happier!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


The kids have been sick with cough, cold and pink eye issues for the past week or so. I tried to avoid it but I am not doing such a great job. I hope it passes soon! The nights are long when Mira cannot breath through her nose and wakes up very frustrated and hurting.

We have been working with Joshua using a book called, "Love and Logic". You can see more on the website, (I think). Anyway, it is a whole new route for us. Nothing else was working for us to communicate with Joshua and this seemsto be working so far. It is not magic but the difference has been that at the end of the day I am not at my wits end as I have been in the past. He is learning that Mommy and Daddy mean business and that the ball is in his court to make good decisions so it is a win/win situation.

We are watching Mira to see her nursing habits. I plan to start weaning her around her first birthday and she has shown no signs that she wants to wean so this is going to be interested. She likes to nurse through the night the most. She nurses 1-3 times during the day but since she has been sick AND teething she has wanted to nurse more. It is hard. So once everyone is well I think we can start cutting back at least one nursing at night and then go from there.

Other news - looks like I will be putting another 'ticker' up on our page soon. We are expecting Baby Tres. The Dr's due date which is pretty fuzzy at best is August 19. Baby Tres was our New Year's surprise and we are anxiously looking forward to all the change and excitement he or she will bring.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

In a matter of minutes

Joshua stuck something up his nose and shocked himself. Do I get a nap now?

We were working on discipline and had him in a quiet time in his room. We were actually standing right outside the door and I had removed all the toys from his room but there was a googly eye sitting on his dresser and at some point in the quiet time he must of stuck it up his nose. When he was done in quiet time he came out saying, 'Can you get the eye out?' It didn't take much questioning to figure it out. Luckily, he had a snotty nose and was able to blow it out in a tissue.

Then, we went downstairs and he requested a 'donut' (a bagel) So we were busy toasting that. Jason had one, too and Mira needed a snack. Things were busy. Joshua asked about getting the bagel out with a knife and we said, no you do not use a knife to remove anything from the toaster. Then he asked if you use your fingers or your hands and we said, your fingers and then I turned my back and heard a metal thing drop and Joshua holler and cry. I found the little cheese spreader knife with a ceramic handle sitting on the ground next to chair placed in front of the toaster. The handle probably keep him from getting more hurt than he did. I think only one finger touched the metal of the knife and that is the finger he hurt. Although he did have an ache further up his arm a few minutes later.

And it is now that I am thankful that we live on a street with two paramedics.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Tooth

I have been feeling like Mira has been teething but not seeing anything to confirm this and then this morning I looked and low and behold she had a new tooth! Her top right incisor came down. So now she has her two front bottom teeth and one incisor. Funny girl.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mira is 11 mos old, Joshua to the dentist

Just one more month and Mira will be ONE! It is hard to believe that this year has gone by so quickly. She is so vibrant and happy and joyful. I am so happy that her sleep has done a 180! Now, we put her down to bed and she just drifts off holding on to teddy and listening to her sleep sheep. She is still waking up 2am, 4am and then 6:30am for the day and I can't figure that out but I am sure time will tell.

I think Mira has gained weight even since Christmas. Her increased sleep may have something to do with it. Her thighs are filling out and I can feel that she is heavier. She is up to about 20 pounds now.

Joshua went to the dentist again today. He got a clean bill of teeth and made some progress as far as talking to the hygienists. He still had a difficult time when it came to the exam but thankfully they just had the dentist look and not the dentist and the hygienist. He will go back in 6 mos and we can hope for more small steps.

School is also going well for Joshua and we are planning to sign him up again next year. The program then will be 3 days instead of 2 but since it is still only 2.5 hours I think this will be ok. We'll have to see how it goes.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I LOVE Target

Today Mira finally received the high chair she needed since she has been standing up in the portable high chair/booster we had her in. The new chair has a 5-point harness and is stand alone. Target had all their baby gear on sale half price so we got the chair for $35.

Then I couldn't pass up the sit and stand stroller they also had on sale. I've been looking at them and the price was right. We assembled everything and took the kids for a walk after lunch. Joshua loved the freedom of being able to sit forwards or backwards or stand. Mira loved being able to see everything and I loved that they were contained!

I picked up a number of other things, too. The sales were just great and I like to stock up on gifts for the nieces and nephews while I can get good bargains.

I also had a fantastic talk with Aunt Jacque today. She gave me a number of ideas to try with Joshua since discipline again has not been working. It has helped being home and back on our regular schedule but Jason and I have again been feeling like we are at our wit's end. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my son. He says the funniest and sweetest things and can be VERY kind but he also has an intense personality and can be VERY difficult to manage in the next second.

We enjoyed dinner with Ron, Christine and the kids on Friday evening. Mira impressed them with her tricks, saying 'ow' when she bumped her head, meowing, saying 'uh-oh' when she dropped anything, smiling, running around the house and just being her cute self. Josh and Val enjoyed flying their new planes. Yana tried to stay out of Joshua's reach, the dogs played together, Jason and Ron chatted non stop and Christine and I of course enjoyed our time, too. We even had a surprise visit from Godfather in his new Lotus.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Joshua was talking about Godfather tonight at dinner. He said, "Did Godfather bring gifts for everyone? Is he good at giving gifts? Is he 'Santa'?"

The End of Christmas the beginning of a new year

We arrived home last evening after a long day of travel that started before the sun came up and ended after the sun went down. The kids did reasonably well but today will be the start of getting back on routine minus sugar and tv. I'm thinking the fruit snacks and juice box that Josh ate for breakfast yesterday may not be the breakfast of champions.

It is good to be home in spite of the empty fridge which will have to be corrected quickly. Mira is up with me now as I write this post and Joshua is sleeping in. Hopefully we will get a little nap in before he wakes up. I've got lack of nap yesterday and jet lag on my side.

Mira's vocabulary continues to expand and now includes 'no' which comes out more like 'doh' and 'meow', 'arf', 'ow' and 'uh-oh'. While getting ready to go yesterday morning (at 4:30 am) I asked Joshua if he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. He said, 'No, I am having a hard time keeping my eyes closed!' He was so excited to ride the plane and fell asleep only moments before we touched down in Baltimore then start straight up with an excited, 'DID WE LAND!' Joshua is certainly a creature of routine and I am looking forward to getting him back on track to hopefully correct some of his crazy behavior. He was becoming quite unruly by the end of our trip with hitting, spitting, running around and just general no listening.

Alright, it is back to bed for Mira and me. Wish me luck!