Sunday, November 27, 2005


Joshua has had a busy few days here. On Wednesday evening he went to Ron and Christine's house for dinner. I don't know that he will be invited back however, he screamed his way through dinner and the rest of the evening until just before we left at 10:30pm.

Mommy and Baby

Thursday was Thanksgiving and after getting up slowly, we made our way to Grandma and Grandad Vasbinder's house for dinner. We arrived early and enjoyed just hanging out and helping where we could. Great Grandma held Joshua until just before dinner when he decided to wake up. Luckily, Thursday was nothing like Wednesday and he only cried a little.

More dinner

Friday, Joshua got up with me to go shopping. Just couldn't resist those Black Friday sales!! We only hit one store and were home by lunchtime. It wasn't too bad except for the weather. It was 23 degrees outside!!

Jason and Joshua

Friday evening, we went to dinner with Carie, Joshua's Godmother. He slept through that meal giving us a nice dinnere where we both were able to sit and enjoy!

Saturday and Sunday were lazy days. But, on Saturday, Joshua did enjoy a conversation with Grandma and Grandpa Owens through video chat.

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