Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Joshua had a wonderful Christmas. He loved the time spent with Aunt Trina and Uncle Josh. In the beginning, he would only go to them for 5-10 minutes at a time. But, after a couple of days, he was very comfortable and only came to me for eating and changing needs. He took naps with them and played.

On Friday, we all went to my parent's house for the weekend. Aunt Jill and Aunt Tara were there and Aunt Amy, Tio Omar, Dylan and Stephanie came, too. We had a fun weekend of eating, sleeping, playing and opening lots and lots of presents! Christmas morning with 13 people is quite an adventure!! Santa figured out where everyone was and made sure there were presents for everyone. Joshua received many clothes, toys, a bond and a stroller.

On Monday, before going home and before the 3 hour 'packing-the-car' event, we took Joshua for a walk in his new stroller. He was quite comfortable and slept for most of the trip. He woke up just as we were arriving home. He is looking forward to many, many more walks. I liked how smooth of a ride he had and my back liked not having to carry Bruiser for a little while.

Now, we are home and getting back into our daily routine. Joshua had a tough time with naps as he didn't want to miss a thing! Makes for a not so agreeable baby. But, last night, he slept from 10:30-5:45. Oh, and I don't want to forget, he had two highlights. Last Wednesday, he grasped and held on to a toy for the first time and yesterday, he squealed with pleasure for the first time. It is so fun to see him developing every day.

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