Saturday, October 14, 2006

'Round and round he goes, where he'll stop, nobody knows!

Joshua had a busy day today. First he visited Gr' Goshmommy Beam :-) Although, much too short, we had fun playing with kitty balls as rattles, the piano and a flute/recorder type instrument. He received his first Bible and wonderful board-book version with latch and handle. After that visit, we went to Trey's (born 4 days after Josh) First Birthday Party. Josh at a fantastic lunch, which he hasn't done in days, and had fun playing with the other kids. Then we stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home.

At home this evening, while getting ready for bed, he started spinning around in circle. It was cute and he got himself a little bit dizzy, also funny :-) He said two new words yesterday, 'bottle' and 'banana'. He likes 'b' -words. He is getting really good a the word 'balloon' of which he has two left over from his party last week. He pulls on the ribbon attached to the balloon so he can bring it down to his level.

Last night, while watching tv, because a ball came bouncing at us, we turned to find him sittin on an end table with his legs dangling over the edge. It must have taken some effort to get up on top of the table but he did it quickly and quietly. He is generally very careful during these adventures and doesn't bump or fall. He very stealthly slipped off the table moments after throwing the ball.

He is also able to open doors. We have the kind with lever handles. Nothing is safe.

He had a very good dr.'s visit on Thursday. He weighs 22 lbs 7 oz and is 32" tall. The dr. was impressed with his language development and motor skills and he seems to be healthy.

1 comment:

Unknown Warrier said...

Ok Mama O it's been 5 days. Where's a new picture of Joshie?