Saturday, December 30, 2006

The beginning of the story...

We flew out to Grandma and Papa's on the 17th. Joshua still had a cough but he was doing well and he had a great flight. This being his third flying trip he is now a well seasoned traveler. :-) Monday and Tuesday were pretty low key days, we were just adjusting to the time zone and visiting. On Wednesday, Joshua visited with his cousins Sawyer and Jasper and got to see Aunt Nancy, Joy, Tami, Shannon and Grandma. It was a fun visit. He liked having other LP's (Little People) to play with. On Thursday, he went with us to visit Jason's friends for pizza and lights. Although, he konked out before we got to the lights and returned to Grandma and Papa's house to sleep. He liked it at Kelsey's(3) house, especially the large floor piano that she had. She was a bit concerned that he might try and leave with one of her toys but she did like the company.

Friday morning we were up early to head out to see Uncle Josh and Aunt Trina and the gang out their way. That is when the bad, deep cough began. We called our dr. and she told us the signs to look for if we needed to take him in. He already was eating only a little bit. He hadn't been eating well for a many days. His nose was runny and he was a bit cranky. The crankiness, coughing, inability to sleep well only got worse on Saturday and Sunday. He did however in that time enjoy a nice Christmas dinner with Aunt Wayneen, Uncle Bud and everyone on their side of the family. He got to see the Belaggio Christmas decorations, which were fantastic, and he went to visit all sorts of animals at a nearby state park. He saw ducks, geese, chickens, peacocks and horses. That was a highlight of the trip.

Sunday, on the way back from Aunt Trina and Uncle Joshua's we stopped at the urgent care center to have him looked at. The had crossed the threshold of what our dr. said were the signs that he needed to be taken in. more later...

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