Friday, February 16, 2007

Joshua is full of antics

On Monday, Joshua and I were in Target. We were in the bathroom as was another woman who was trying to go. Let's just say that she had a lot of noisy toots. Joshua, being the master of toot sounds, was doing a great job of mimicking her. Oh it was bad, I was trying to keep him quiet but was not very successful. It was hilarious!

He loves to answer, 'no' to anything we ask him. If he doesn't respond, he means, 'yes'. On Wednesday, appropriate for Valentine's Day, he said 'I love you'. It is really cute and comes out 'I wuv oo'.

Right now, he is busy pulling everything out of Jason's desk drawers, climbing on the printer table and doing all sorts of things to drive us batty. It is so much fun!!

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