Friday, July 23, 2010

Conversations with Joshua

I wish I had a tape recorder for some of the conversations I have had with Joshua. But, today's conversation was really, well, remarkable. We drove past a restaurant where Joshua has ordered a shrimp basket before. Joshua LOVES shrimp.

Joshie: Mommy can we eat at that store that has the shrimp.
Mommy: No, we can't have shrimp right now. There was an accident and the shrimp were hurt.
Joshie: The oil spill, Mommy?
Mommy: (*thinks* We haven't talked to Joshua about it much but it has been in the news. I guess he's got big ears) Yes. Lots of animals were hurt: birds, fish, shrimp. And they need time to grow and get big and healthy again.
Joshie: Who did that mommy?
Mommy: Someone made a mistake. They were doing something they shouldn't have been doing.
Joshie: Then they should go away.
Mommy: (*thinks* Wow! That's harsh. I mean I feel that way sometimes but I haven't expressed that to Joshie.) Why don't we give them a chance to fix their mistake.
Joshie: Maybe they should listen to Jesus. I don't think they listened to Jesus.
Mommy: (*thinks* Where did that come from?) Yes, Jesus and God both say that we should take care of the resources we have.

I am drawing a blank as to what happened next. He just kept surprising me with each subsequent answer.

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