Monday, September 01, 2008

First Tooth!

Mira cut her first tooth today! It is her bottom left one in the front. She is really on the move crawling and is also pulling up, almost sitting up, almost crawling up the step into the kitchen. Watch out, here she comes!!

Joshua is cracking us up with the silly things he says like when he repeats (from Incredibles) 'I am Incredaboy!... You are not affiliated with me.' or while reading a magazine, 'Uh Oh' What is wrong Joshua? 'This is not good.' What happened Joshua? 'I ripped a page...' He starts Pre-school for 3 yr olds tomorrow and we are very excited. He is thinking he will get to ride an elevator and eat candy like he did at Vacation Bible School but unfortunately that will not be the case. I think he will enjoy it though.

Happy Labor Day!

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