Monday, April 20, 2009

23 weeks

Joshie, Mira and I trudged out in the rainy weather today for an OB appointment at 10:15. Everything is looking good size and heart rate-wise for the baby. My weight increased by 6 lb since the last visit and my blood pressure is back down to 110/60 (a normal rate for me). It had been high since January but this last month when Jason also came back from the dr with higher than normal bp I started getting us out the door for short walks with Jack to exercise and de-stress, added more salads and veggies into our diet and started watching our salt intake. Seems to have worked. I'm interested to hear how Jason's has changed.

After the appointment we stopped into Ikea to recycle batteries and lightbulbs and then to Target to pick up a prescription. Now the house is quiet while everyone naps. Joshua is finally resting after 2 grumpy days of no nap and some really nasty behavior. I unplugged the tv this morning and the Easter candy is gone so I hope that helps things!

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