Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sweet Potatoes, Day 2

So, I think tonight went a little bit better in the feeding department. She gagged several times while trying to get the food down but she was moving it around in her mouth and trying to swallow. We got through the bowl I had prepared for her, about 1.5 Tablespoons. The kids were so excited to feed her but we are not quite there yet. Once she gets the hang of eating, then they can try their hand at it.

Today we had a fun playdate/brunch with friends from church. We also took some time to play outside. Everyone slept well last night and had a nap today. So, today has been good.

Mira has been going through most days in just panties, even when we are out. She wears a cloth diaper for naps and a paper diaper for bed. It is interesting, she makes it to the potty without fail if she has to poop. She kicks you out of the bathroom while she is going and insists that the door be shut. But, she can't be interrupted to go pee. So, we just set a timer and take her every hour. She did go to the bathroom today, grab the little potty, bring it into the kitchen and go. But that is the exception, not the rule. I can't complain too much. I really did not want 2 in diapers at the same time and for the most part I got my wish. We go through at most 1 disposable diaper a day.

On another Mira note, she is speaking in deliberate sentences now. She very carefully chooses her words such as, 'No' and 'Daddy...wash...da-da (car)' She talks about everything: empty cups, trains, the cat, the dog, Joshua, milk, whatever. It is fun to listen to her budding language skills. Joshua likes to talk in Mira-ese, too. Only that is not so cute. It sure is hard being the big brother!

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