Thursday, September 23, 2010


Today, since it wasn't a school day, we got dressed and went out for errands. We only had to run the movies back to the library but I was hoping to also stop at the orchard for apples and cider. The kids, however, voted for a walk down by the water. It was humid today but not unpleasant so we headed over to the park. Along the walk we saw a crab, geese, ducks, little fish and big 14" fish, a frog and a blue dragonfly. It was a lot of fun and the apples? They'll be there the next time we need an outing.

Mira has been doing a bit better these past couple of days without any major, spitting, hitting, kicking, screaming, throw herself on the floor and pee tantrums. Just minor skirmishes. Three days ago we started insisting that even if they were not asleep, the kids had to stay in their bedroom until 7am. These past several mornings have been more pleasant too since I can get up and take care of a couple of chores and starting breakfast before the wild rompus begins.

It is almost 12:30, Evie is down for her nap, Mira will be going down next and everyone is fed. Although we can get a good, full day out of Joshua with play time, quiet time and meals and even outings, the girls just can't handle it. They are good for a couple of hours at best doing any thing before they need a break. It would be easier if either of them could take naps on the fly but both prefer their beds. So we are left with a few hours in the morning after breakfast and then some time in the evening (as long as we include dinner) to do anything else. Definitely puts a crimp on the day's activities.

It is nice, though, having time during the day that is just me and Josh. Well, just me and any one of the children is nice. We are taking Josh out to see the Berenstain Bears tomorrow night. I know he is going to love it. Mira would probably like it too but the show is at 7:30 and we just never know how she is going to behave, she is a wild card.

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