Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Halloween at our house is a much anticipated event. I held the kids off until the middle of October from decorating the house inside and out but we went on two hay rides to pick pumpkins and several hay and corn mazes. I love fall and I hope that my children will appreciate this season, too.

We carved our pumpkins a week before Halloween with Joshua picking a spooking design and making a drawing for a creepy, nashing mouth to adorn the big 44 pound pumpkin we picked and Mira drawing a funny face for her small pumpkin, the littlest one we could reasonably carve. On pumpkin carving day we roasted the seeds and enjoyed spiced cider.

On the school hayride Joshua spent more time hunting for bugs, which were abundant, than looking for the perfect pumpkin. Mira, again, find the smallest pumpkin she could. She prefers little things.

On Halloween, we had a dinosaur (Joshua), a fairy princess (Mira) and a scarecrow (Evelyn) out hunting for goodies. We hit the four cul du sacs that are nearest to our house and called it a night. Even so, without having ingested one bit of sugar the children were bouncing off the walls. They dug in and had several candies each and then it was off to bed.

Joshua's behavior, for the most part, is great except we he does get into trouble it is something BIG. We finally broke him of the habit of climbing on top of our armoire after writing about 60 lines over 3 days. But we couldn't keep him out of our room and our drawers. The door to our bedroom is now locked after an unfortunate event with a pocket knife and our foot board.

Mira is having better days consistently. She is such a wild card though when she decides to misbehave. It is hard to enforce rules for her because the situations often affect everyone else. I think that age 4 can't come soon enough! But when she is good she is very, very good!

Evie is adding words, words, words! She understands concepts that surprise me like when she wonders through the house with a bracelet showing anyone that she comes across with a, "Look! Look!". She says "Thank You" and "playground" and "pumpkin". Mandy is Candy. She brings people things that belong to them and tries (sometimes succeeding!) to put her clothes on and off.

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