Friday, January 23, 2009


The kids have been sick with cough, cold and pink eye issues for the past week or so. I tried to avoid it but I am not doing such a great job. I hope it passes soon! The nights are long when Mira cannot breath through her nose and wakes up very frustrated and hurting.

We have been working with Joshua using a book called, "Love and Logic". You can see more on the website, (I think). Anyway, it is a whole new route for us. Nothing else was working for us to communicate with Joshua and this seemsto be working so far. It is not magic but the difference has been that at the end of the day I am not at my wits end as I have been in the past. He is learning that Mommy and Daddy mean business and that the ball is in his court to make good decisions so it is a win/win situation.

We are watching Mira to see her nursing habits. I plan to start weaning her around her first birthday and she has shown no signs that she wants to wean so this is going to be interested. She likes to nurse through the night the most. She nurses 1-3 times during the day but since she has been sick AND teething she has wanted to nurse more. It is hard. So once everyone is well I think we can start cutting back at least one nursing at night and then go from there.

Other news - looks like I will be putting another 'ticker' up on our page soon. We are expecting Baby Tres. The Dr's due date which is pretty fuzzy at best is August 19. Baby Tres was our New Year's surprise and we are anxiously looking forward to all the change and excitement he or she will bring.

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