Sunday, July 19, 2009

The BIG bed

What a day! We went to a baseball game with friends Katie, Rob, JR and Reagan this afternoon, out to dinner with them and then dropped Joshua off to his first day of Vacation Bible School.

I was thrilled to see his independence tonight. He was so excited about VBS and wanted to go in all by himself. This is an enormous change for him. He has always been so shy. He did hide a bit when we got into his classroom but I asked him to sit on the pew the other children were sitting on and he did. He gave me a kiss and I left. No tears or whining. It was awesome.

While we had two hours of just Mira time and she was in bed, Jason installed the new microwave. I put Mira to bed in the 2nd twin bed in Joshua's room, now Josh and Mira's room. What a gigantic milestone! She was agreeable to it and just kind of looked at me a little confused but drifted off to sleep without a problem. When Joshua did come home he really wanted to sleep with her in THAT bed. I said not tonight. But he was quiet enough that she stayed asleep. I am looking forward to this week to establish a new routine and habits. I am hoping that this might help Josh with his getting out of bed problem. Good job Joshie and Mira. I love my children so much!!

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