Thursday, August 06, 2009

13 days and counting

I actually didn't think I would make it this far. I have an ob appointment this morning and we'll see how things are progressing along there. Tuesday was very uncomfortable with lots of contractions but then since then everything has been VERY quiet. Baby Tres still seems to be a mover and shaker and likes to do gymnastics in the evening. Makes it look like I have Alien in my belly and not a human baby.

Josh, Mira and I are getting lots of time to play and read since I am not really getting out much, the weather has been hot and I've been told not to do the work in the basement that I would like to. The to do lists are mostly done and now I am looking for fun ways for us to occupy ourselves. We've been trying to make it to the pool every day. They both love to swim. In fact, Jason and I were pushing Mira between us the other day and she was kind of going under water a bit on the way and she just kept asking for more. Joshua loves to jump in off the side now and swims either on his own or with the tube floaty.

I think a walk may be out for us this morning since it is rainy but maybe we'll replace it with a walk around the mall near the OB.

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