Sunday, March 01, 2009

The teeth are coming!

Mira got another tooth in yesterday, top middle left, and has three more that are just below the surface. She is dealing with this all rather well but has moments of fussiness.

Joshie has been needing our attention more and more but school (for Jason) and house (for both of us) have been draining our time. The hot water heater went up this weekend and took some time of research and phone calls to get straightened out. There are, of course, always a dozen pots in the fire and Joshua does not understand why at any given moment we can't go outside to ride his trike or play legos. So, things have been escalating more and more but we are managing.

Mira has her pre-op appointment this Tuesday and then surgery next Monday for her thumb. We had a taste of warm weather on Friday and are back to snow and cold today. Spring is March 20 and I am counting the days!

Baby Tres is 15 weeks old. She has relieved me of my nausea and I can stay up a bit longer without crashing so all that is good. I have been tossing and turning in the early hours of the day but it may just be all the other stuff going on and not the pregnancy. But between that and Josh and Mira taking poor naps, I am tired. Baby's little body is almost fully formed and now she will spend time growing and fully developing all her parts. Seems like time is flying!

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