Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cousins Visit

Quote of the day from Evie, "I have lots of talkings in my mouth."

Mira's haircut is care of her handiwork with the scissors.  It looks a little mullet like.  I need to decide if I am going to fix it.

Josh and Evie were not sleeping tonight and it was already 9:30 so I put them in Evie's bed together and viola!  they went to sleep.  Evelyn is currently sprawled across the majority of the bed, as much as a 2 yr old can take up a full sized bed, and Josh is squished in the top corner near the wall but they are asleep!  Mira, of course, conked out minutes after laying down for bed.

Fabulous activity of the day: making pretzel, chocolate treats with the girls.  Even Evelyn did a fantastic job of putting the little candy discs on top of the pretzels. 

Precious Moment: Mira feeding Tessa...Awwww.

Proud Mommy: Joshua playing basketball in the after school program and helping his team win but scoring 7 points (based on his retelling of the story).  Way to work on a team, Josh!

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