Saturday, December 03, 2011

 I missed last night so I am going back in time to catch up on some of the special moments from the last couple of days.  I'll start with today though.  I ran errands with Mira this morning.  She was my little buddy. One of the shops we stopped at was, "Everything Goes! Consignments & More."  There was a very small ring that fit on Mira's thumb and I bought it for her.  She loved it! She were it all day and kept it safe.   She really was a good girl walking around with me.  It was nice to have the company.  Later, I took all the kids to the Stepping Stone Museum for their Open House.  The kids ran from place to place.  It was a pretty day to be outside enjoying the cool weather.

 Evie has been loving swinging and will sometimes go out back, by herself just to swing for a minute and come back in.  It makes me feel so good when the kids go outside all together and play.  That has been happening more and more frequently, in spite of the temperatures dropping.
 We dropped Josh's bike off today for repairs.  It was fixed quickly and he was able to take it around for a few laps after lunch.  He is so sad when he misses a day to ride his bike.
 We have a tradition of going downtown to Havre de Grace for the annual Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting.  Santa comes into town on a firetruck and then the kids can see him and tell him their wishes.  Last night was the parade and it was great!  I get excited for the kids to see Santa and I hope they will remember this time when they are older.  We had a long line to wait in for our turn but the kids were good and we were in line with our friends, the Andreens.  When it was our turn Evelyn sat on Santa's lap.  Just look at her face in the photo below.  She is so excited to see him!  Mira was the only one that didn't get close but they all told Santa their Christmas wish and when we left I heard, 'Mommy, that parade was great!  This was the best!' 

Even though it was already bedtime we enjoyed hot chocolate together to warm up and also had the candy canes from Santa.  I love treats with my babies and special traditions like this one to look forward to every year.
Daddy with two monkeys clinging to him

Evelyn thrilled to see Santa

Sitting on Santa's lap
Josh picked up 'Fox in Socks' tonight for his reading time and did a great job of reading using sight words, clues from the illustrations and sounding out the tricky words.  He is starting to get more comfortable and will sound out words when we are out and about.

Evie is a little snuggle muffin and a giggle monster.  I took her potty after she had been laid down for bed tonight.  Every time she tooted she laughed her little head off.  It was hilarious!

We had a quiet snuggle moment after she woke up from her nap.  She just tucked her little head in under my ear and rested there.  I could have stayed wrapped in her arms forever.

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