Tuesday, December 06, 2011

I know that Evie has been doing this for a little while now but I think it is just great that she is fully potty trained.  It makes life so easy to not have to worry about diapers or washing diapers or anything related to that anymore.

Joshua has lots of chores to do this week.  But he showed initiative, a characteristic we are working on, and offered to help with peeling the potatoes for dinner and washing the dishes.  It was nice not having a dish pile up after cooking and he really did a good job.

The children were asked to clear and set the table tonight while I was cooking dinner.  I let them know that dinner would be served as soon as this was done.  But playing was too much fun and they just didn't want to stop.  When it was clear they were not going to take care of the task I went ahead and cleared the table, wiped it down and set it with my bowl, plate and silverware.  Then I served myself.  I felt a lot like the little red hen.  When the food was on the table the kids came scrambling over.  "Where's our food!"  "We're hungry!" They said.  I told them I would serve them when I was all finished eating my food.  They sat at the table, enthralled, following every bite of soup, crumb of cornbread and smear of butter.  I am surprised I didn't see drool dripping down their chins.  I wish I had a video camera taping the scene because I don't think I have ever seen them so interested in any meal before.  But they did wait and quietly, too.  Mira jumped the gun once and said, "Mommy you're done."  But Josh corrected her, 'No, she has one more bite to take."  And I did take it, chewed it and enjoyed my whole meal.  Then I served them and they ate and had seconds.  It actually turned out to be a good meal.  I hope they learned their lesson but probably not.   Still I laughed through the meal at their incredulous faces.

Josh read to me tonight, "Fox in Socks."  I love that snuggle reading time with him.  He wrote a funny sentence on his homework, too.  "Here, there and everywhere."

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