Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mira loves school.  It seems like she was born for it.  This morning she said, "I don't like going to school but I love school!"  I think she doesn't like driving to school or having to leave me (although recently I think she is getting over that, too!) but school: dancing, snacking, playing with friends, learning her letters, etc She just can't get enough of.  On days she doesn't have school she is sad. 

Tonight when I went to kiss Mira goodnight she made those little snuggly sounds and cuddled into her pillow in a way that only a child can.  I love that!

Evelyn attacked me with her perfect kisses tonight while I was talking on the phone with Daddy.  She was already supposed to be asleep but I went in her room to give her company.  She told Daddy, "I want to be sleeping."  Also, earlier today in the wind and rain that was tossling her hair, she proclaimed, "I need a pony hair (ponytail)!!"  Unfortunately, I didn't have one at that exact moment.  But it would have gotten the hair out of her eyes.

Although it frustrates me, because he almost knocks me over, I just love that Josh is so happy and excited to see me that he runs and gives me 'leaping through the air' hugs.  And when he sleeps at night I love that he sleeps with his eyes open a crack.  Just can't miss a thing!

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