Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Small Moments

I had a magical moment tonight with Mira.  It wasn't planned.  It was at a time I was expecting to see her bright smile.  We have a new rule at the dining table.  Whomever sits at the table the longest receives a reward and all others have to clean up the dishes.  Other than day 1 when Josh fiercely rebelled against this new rule he has been the recipient of the reward.  Mira has been left doing dishes with me.  But instead of this time being a chore it has been wonderful.  She loves that we are a 'team' and says so (I do, too!) and she truly is helpful as we sit in front of the tub and wash together.  She is so proud of her hard work and smiles brightly as she scrubs the dishes clean.

I love when Evelyn holds my face in her two chubby little hands to look at me or ask me to do something.  Recently, at bed and nap she has been asking me to sing her 'lullaby' a song I made up to Brahms Lullaby.  Her other favorite song is, 'The princess song' (Old McDonald had a princess...)

Josh is always asking a million questions.  When I am frazzled it is so hard to hear them all.  But I am trying to be more patient.  If I actually take the time to think in the moment when Josh is asking his million and one questions I realize how often I take for granted his ability to figure things out and make amazing connections.  He is so bright that I often expect him to just know things and forget that his remarkable questions and insights are coming from a six year old.

1 comment:

nancy said...

I love your new post, the kids are so sweet...so smart...Love you Nettie...Aunt Nancy