Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oct 20

I woke up this morning to two little elves snuggled up right beside me and all they wanted was to be close.  I love them!

Going to the bank is leverage for me because the kids always get lollipops and they love them.  I am always asked the question, 'Do you want the same colors?' It really doesn't matter to me.  Here is why...The teller picked out two purple lollipops today.  Evelyn screamed that she wanted green but I ignored her.  Mira asked, 'Is this brown?'  Why yes, Mira, it is.  Then she proceeded to ask if Evelyn's was green and I, of course, responded, 'Yes.' Both she and her sister were happy at that point.  I guess it is all about perspective.

Evelyn was going potty today.  She got her pants down, climbed onto the toilet seat, went potty, wiped herself, hopped off, pulled up her pants, flushed the toilet and went to wash her hands.  It is amazing to me that my 2 and "some change" year old can tackle this entire activity by herself.  She is quite remarkable.

Today is Thursday, soccer day!  Joshua loves, loves, loves soccer.  He said the sweetest thing when I picked him up.  "I wish Mira was in kindergarten so that she could play soccer with me.  She'd love it!"

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