Thursday, November 03, 2011

 My favorite time of day is walking into my sleeping childrens' rooms and giving them kisses.  They are so peaceful and relaxed.  All that anxious, pent-up energy is gone.  Sometimes they sigh or turn their heads to me. It is just a perfect moment, every time.

The pictures I posted tonight are from Oct 6 and 8.  But I pulled them out because their were good.

This morning the children all helped in a community service project of making ornaments to send overseas and decorating goody bags.  They all participated and were well behaved.  It was a nice morning.

Joshua is learning that if he is helpful, he gets what he wants!  It is great to see him have that 'ah-ha' moment.
 Evie told me today when trying to get a piece of pumpkin pie onto her fork, 'It's tricky mom, can you help me?'

Joshua stayed at the lunch table and we had an honest to goodness discussion (about the digestive process) but it was a conversation!

Mira declared at 6:30 that she was tired and wanted to go to bed.  She willing get ready for bed and even turned her light off in her room but she did end up coming back down to play a little more before her 'real' bedtime.

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