Monday, November 28, 2011

I should make this quick.  It is the end of a long but mostly beautiful day.  The weather was almost 70 and it was refreshing to get back to our routine.  Although, Daddy leaving this morning was certainly a bummer for everyone.  We all miss him!

Mira had a fantastic day at school and came home with her school photos.  Evelyn and I ran errands and did some chores at home.  She watching Sesame Street for about 15 min while I worked and when it was time to go get Mira the response I got was, "No, I am sleeping."  Well, my dear you must be talking in your sleep then!

Mira and Evie both took naps, and I took a 30 min one myself!  When the girls woke, they watched Fineas and Ferb.  Just hearing Mira say the name of the show makes letting her watch it totally worthwhile! 

When Josh came home we went to the playground for a while.  Evelyn said, "I just need to swing," while she was in the baby swing and I asked her if she wanted to get down and play with Josh and Mira.

Mira was a member of the 'clean plate club' tonight and ate her dinner without a fuss.  Josh ate his dinner, too.  Evelyn is addicted to the goldfish I bought yesterday.

They are all in bed and sleeping soundly.  I love them!

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