Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mira made this for me.  She drew it on a piece of junk mail. She wrote my name in the top right corner.  My girl knows her letters!  She loves to play and has really progressed because of that website.  Today was a raining day and when I was walking Mira into preschool, holding her sweet little hand, she said, "Isn't the rain nice?" Why, yes Mira it is.  "The rain is beautiful.  It gives us water and makes the flowers grow."  You are correct Mira.  "God made the rain." Yes, he did.  "It is so good God gave us the rain. You know, mommy, God lives in our hearts."  So bright!  Yes, Mira, God does live in our hearts. 

Josh had another green day at school.  He helped pick the movie, "Babe: A pig in the city."  It was a little dark at times but ok.  I had a good time doing homework with Josh.  He finished his work for the week tonight and then drew pictues for his teacher on the back of his schoolwork.  He even wrote sentences that if you read them phonetically the sentences make sense.  Good job parsing your words, Joshie!

Evelyn is so my little snuggle bunny.  She has been a bit under the weather, we all are.  After name, she just curled up on my lap and stayed.  I love cuddling with my baby.

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