Friday, November 18, 2011

I started blogging again as a daily exercise to remember all the good and special moments that happen throughout the day.  I find sometimes that it is hard to relate just one special moment with Evie.  She is always with me and generally in good spirits.  She says the most amazing things for her little 2 year old self.  Today in the car while running errands she started a game saying, "Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe..." When she finished she would say, "Mama, It's your turn." and I would say a round.  Each time I changed the 'If he _____, let him go' and then she would copy me.  She thought my verses were SO silly :-)

She recognizes Chick-Fil-A without fail.  She saw it from the Target parking lot this morning and got very excited, "There's Chick-Fil-A!"  and "There IT is, Mama!" and "I see it, over dare!"  She wanted to go in and play on the play set but we needed to get back to Mira so she settled for a lunch of chicken nuggets and fries.  When we got home we had applesauce :-)

And if it is not too inappropriate, I have to say I just LOVE her little baby tongue.  It is little and pink and pointy and So Cute!  She had it sticking out the side of her mouth  tonight when doing something, I don't remember what.

It wasn't 'one moment' today for Josh and Mira either.  They played so well this afternoon while I was wrapping things up from work.  They were playing a pretend game building ships with the legos and using the doll house and dolls.  I don't quite remember the gist but I do remember we didn't turn the tv all day. 

Jason let me out of the house for a little 'girl's night out' to watch Breaking Dawn.  The kids took the idea we had a few days ago and did it with Jason and that was to get all ready for bed then snuggle up with Daddy and watch a movie in our bed.  I hoped they would fall asleep but that was wishful thinking.  It does sound like they had lots of good cuddle time though.

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